// refsCallback: (optional) // Will be called when the player enters a marker that has a `data-ref` attribute. The value of `data-ref` will be passed to the function. // When leaving a marker that a `data-ref` attribute, and entering a marker without one (or not entering a new marker at all), the function will be called with `null`. function Player(htmlContainer, refsCallback) { this.container = htmlContainer; this.markersContainer = this.container.querySelector(".markers_container"); this.videoContainer = this.container.querySelector(".video_container"); this.refsCallback = refsCallback || function() {}; if (!this.videoContainer.getAttribute("data-videoId")) { console.error("Expected to find data-videoId attribute on", this.videoContainer, "for player initialized on", this.container); throw new Error("Missing data-videoId attribute."); } this.markers = []; var markerEls = this.markersContainer.querySelectorAll(".marker"); if (markerEls.length == 0) { console.error("No markers found in", this.markersContainer, "for player initialized on", this.container); throw new Error("Missing markers."); } for (var i = 0; i < markerEls.length; ++i) { var marker = { timestamp: parseInt(markerEls[i].getAttribute("data-timestamp"), 10), ref: markerEls[i].getAttribute("data-ref"), endTime: (i < markerEls.length - 1 ? parseInt(markerEls[i+1].getAttribute("data-timestamp"), 10) : null), el: markerEls[i], fadedProgress: markerEls[i].querySelector(".progress.faded"), progress: markerEls[i].querySelector(".progress.main"), hoverx: null }; marker.el.addEventListener("click", this.onMarkerClick.bind(this, marker)); marker.el.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMarkerMouseMove.bind(this, marker)); marker.el.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.onMarkerMouseLeave.bind(this, marker)); this.markers.push(marker); } this.currentMarker = null; this.currentMarkerIdx = null; this.youtubePlayer = null; this.youtubePlayerReady = false; this.playing = false; this.shouldPlay = false; this.buffering = false; this.pauseAfterBuffer = false; this.speed = 1; this.currentTime = 0; this.lastFrameTime = 0; this.scrollTo = -1; this.scrollPosition = 0; this.nextFrame = null; this.looping = false; this.markersContainer.addEventListener("wheel", function(ev) { this.scrollTo = -1; }.bind(this)); Player.initializeYoutube(this.onYoutubeReady.bind(this)); this.updateSize(); this.resume(); } // Start playing the video from the current position. // If the player hasn't loaded yet, it will autoplay when ready. Player.prototype.play = function() { if (this.youtubePlayerReady) { if (!this.playing) { this.youtubePlayer.playVideo(); } this.pauseAfterBuffer = false; } else { this.shouldPlay = true; } }; // Pause the video at the current position. // If the player hasn't loaded yet, it will not autoplay when ready. (This is the default) Player.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.youtubePlayerReady) { if (this.playing) { this.youtubePlayer.pauseVideo(); } else if (this.buffering) { this.pauseAfterBuffer = true; } } else { this.shouldPlay = false; } }; // Sets the current time. Does not affect play status. // If the player hasn't loaded yet, it will seek to this time when ready. Player.prototype.setTime = function(time) { this.currentTime = time; if (this.youtubePlayerReady) { this.currentTime = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.currentTime, this.youtubePlayer.getDuration())); this.youtubePlayer.seekTo(this.currentTime); } this.updateProgress(); }; Player.prototype.jumpToNextMarker = function() { var targetMarkerIdx = Math.min((this.currentMarkerIdx === null ? 0 : this.currentMarkerIdx + 1), this.markers.length-1); var targetTime = this.markers[targetMarkerIdx].timestamp; this.setTime(targetTime); this.play(); }; Player.prototype.jumpToPrevMarker = function() { var targetMarkerIdx = Math.max(0, (this.currentMarkerIdx === null ? 0 : this.currentMarkerIdx - 1)); var targetTime = this.markers[targetMarkerIdx].timestamp; this.setTime(targetTime); this.play(); }; // Call this after changing the size of the video container in order to update the youtube player. Player.prototype.updateSize = function() { var width = this.videoContainer.offsetWidth; var height = width / 16 * 9; this.markersContainer.style.height = height; if (this.youtubePlayerReady) { this.youtubePlayer.setSize(Math.floor(width), Math.floor(height)); } } // Stops the per-frame work that the player does. Call when you want to hide or get rid of the player. Player.prototype.halt = function() { this.pause(); this.looping = false; if (this.nextFrame) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.nextFrame); this.nextFrame = null; } } // Resumes the per-frame work that the player does. Call when you want to show the player again after hiding. Player.prototype.resume = function() { this.looping = true; if (!this.nextFrame) { this.doFrame(); } } Player.initializeYoutube = function(callback) { if (window.APYoutubeAPIReady === undefined) { window.APYoutubeAPIReady = false; window.APCallbacks = (callback ? [callback] : []); window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() { window.APYoutubeAPIReady = true; for (var i = 0; i < APCallbacks.length; ++i) { APCallbacks[i](); } }; var scriptTag = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); scriptTag.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); scriptTag.setAttribute("src", "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"); document.body.appendChild(scriptTag); } else if (window.APYoutubeAPIReady === false) { window.APCallbacks.push(callback); } else if (window.APYoutubeAPIReady === true) { callback(); } } // END PUBLIC INTERFACE Player.prototype.onMarkerClick = function(marker, ev) { var time = marker.timestamp; if (this.currentMarker == marker && marker.hoverx !== null) { time += (marker.endTime - marker.timestamp) * marker.hoverx; } this.setTime(time); this.play(); }; Player.prototype.onMarkerMouseMove = function(marker, ev) { if (this.currentMarker == marker) { marker.hoverx = (ev.offsetX - marker.el.offsetLeft) / marker.el.offsetWidth; } }; Player.prototype.onMarkerMouseLeave = function(marker, ev) { marker.hoverx = null; }; Player.prototype.updateProgress = function() { var prevMarker = this.currentMarker; this.currentMarker = null; this.currentMarkerIdx = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.markers.length; ++i) { var marker = this.markers[i]; if (marker.timestamp <= this.currentTime && this.currentTime < marker.endTime) { this.currentMarker = marker; this.currentMarkerIdx = i; break; } } if (this.currentMarker) { var totalWidth = this.currentMarker.el.offsetWidth; var progress = (this.currentTime - this.currentMarker.timestamp) / (this.currentMarker.endTime - this.currentMarker.timestamp); if (this.currentMarker.hoverx === null) { var pixelWidth = progress * totalWidth; this.currentMarker.fadedProgress.style.width = Math.ceil(pixelWidth) + "px"; this.currentMarker.fadedProgress.style.opacity = pixelWidth - Math.floor(pixelWidth); this.currentMarker.progress.style.width = Math.floor(pixelWidth) + "px"; } else { this.currentMarker.fadedProgress.style.opacity = 1; this.currentMarker.progress.style.width = Math.floor(Math.min(this.currentMarker.hoverx, progress) * totalWidth) + "px"; this.currentMarker.fadedProgress.style.width = Math.floor(Math.max(this.currentMarker.hoverx, progress) * totalWidth) + "px"; } } if (this.currentMarker != prevMarker) { if (prevMarker) { prevMarker.el.classList.remove("current"); prevMarker.fadedProgress.style.width = "0px"; prevMarker.progress.style.width = "0px"; prevMarker.hoverx = null; } if (this.currentMarker) { this.currentMarker.el.classList.add("current"); this.scrollTo = this.currentMarker.el.offsetTop + this.currentMarker.el.offsetHeight/2.0; this.scrollPosition = this.markersContainer.scrollTop; } if (this.currentMarker && this.currentMarker.ref) { this.refsCallback(this.currentMarker.ref); } else if (prevMarker && prevMarker.ref) { this.refsCallback(null); } } }; Player.prototype.doFrame = function() { var now = performance.now(); var delta = (now - this.lastFrameTime) / 1000.0; this.lastFrameTime = now; if (this.playing) { this.currentTime += delta * this.speed; } this.updateProgress(); if (this.scrollTo >= 0) { var targetPosition = this.scrollTo - this.markersContainer.offsetHeight/2.0; targetPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(targetPosition, this.markersContainer.scrollHeight - this.markersContainer.offsetHeight)); this.scrollPosition += (targetPosition - this.scrollPosition) * 0.1; if (Math.abs(this.scrollPosition - targetPosition) < 1.0) { this.markersContainer.scrollTop = targetPosition; this.scrollTo = -1; } else { this.markersContainer.scrollTop = this.scrollPosition; } } this.nextFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.doFrame.bind(this)); }; Player.prototype.onYoutubePlayerReady = function() { this.youtubePlayerReady = true; this.markers[this.markers.length-1].endTime = this.youtubePlayer.getDuration(); this.updateSize(); this.youtubePlayer.setPlaybackQuality("hd1080"); if (this.currentTime > 0) { this.currentTime = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.currentTime, this.youtubePlayer.getDuration())); this.youtubePlayer.seekTo(this.currentTime, true); } if (this.shouldPlay) { this.youtubePlayer.playVideo(); } }; Player.prototype.onYoutubePlayerStateChange = function(ev) { if (ev.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { this.playing = true; this.currentTime = this.youtubePlayer.getCurrentTime(); } else if (ev.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED || ev.data == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING) { this.playing = false; this.currentTime = this.youtubePlayer.getCurrentTime(); this.updateProgress(); } else { this.playing = false; } this.buffering = ev.data == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING; if (this.playing && this.pauseAfterBuffer) { this.pauseAfterBuffering = false; this.pause(); } }; Player.prototype.onYoutubePlayerPlaybackRateChange = function(ev) { this.speed = ev.data; }; Player.prototype.onYoutubeReady = function() { var youtubePlayerDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); youtubePlayerDiv.id = "youtube_player_" + Player.youtubePlayerCount++; this.videoContainer.appendChild(youtubePlayerDiv); this.youtubePlayer = new YT.Player(youtubePlayerDiv.id, { videoId: this.videoContainer.getAttribute("data-videoId"), width: this.videoContainer.offsetWidth, height: this.videoContainer.offsetWidth / 16 * 9, events: { "onReady": this.onYoutubePlayerReady.bind(this), "onStateChange": this.onYoutubePlayerStateChange.bind(this), "onPlaybackRateChange": this.onYoutubePlayerPlaybackRateChange.bind(this) } }); }; Player.youtubePlayerCount = 0;