Coloured Nicks
1:00insofaras Some text referring to Zilarrezko about this thing1 regarding circuit design he saw in Code2,3
1:00insofaras Some text referring to Zilarrezko about this thing1 regarding circuit design he saw in Code2,3
1:00insofaras Some text referring to Zilarrezko about this thing1 regarding circuit design he saw in Code2,3
2:56“Stay RISCY, everyone”α
2:56“Stay RISCY, everyone”α
2:56“Stay RISCY, everyone”α
5:12Matrix multiplicationβ
5:12Matrix multiplicationβ
5:12Matrix multiplicationβ
10:24More stuff referring to the milton forum post4
10:24More stuff referring to the milton forum post4
10:24More stuff referring to the milton forum post4
10:42Some text. Simples!
10:42Some text. Simples!
10:42Some text. Simples!
12:34Something about the Handmade.Network5
12:34Something about the Handmade.Network5
12:34Something about the Handmade.Network5
16:32Something else about the Handmade.Network6
16:32Something else about the Handmade.Network6
16:32Something else about the Handmade.Network6

Temporary Keybinding Documentation:

Menu toggling:
q = quotes
r = references
f = filter
c = credits

Global Keys:
W,A,P / S,D,N = jump to previous / next marker
V = Reset filter
z = Toggle filter mode between "inclusive" and "exclusive"

Quote menu:
w,↑ / s,↓ = focus previous / next quote
Enter = jump to marker

Reference menu:
w,↑ / s,↓ = focus previous / next reference
a,← / d,→ = focus previous / next identifier of current reference
Enter = jump to marker
o = follow link to current reference

Filter menu:
w,↑ / s,↓ = focus previous / next category
a,← / d,→ = move left / right between topics and media
v = invert topics / media, as per focus
x = toggle currently focused category and focus next category
X = toggle currently focused category and focus previous category

Credits menu:
w,↑ / s,↓ = focus previous / next credit
a,← / d,→ = move left / right between homepage / support urls
Enter / o = follow currently focused link