2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
// refsCallback: (optional)
// Will be called when the player enters a marker that has a `data-ref` attribute. The value of `data-ref` will be passed to the function.
// When leaving a marker that a `data-ref` attribute, and entering a marker without one (or not entering a new marker at all), the function will be called with `null`.
function Player ( htmlContainer , refsCallback ) {
this . container = htmlContainer ;
this . markersContainer = this . container . querySelector ( ".markers_container" ) ;
this . videoContainer = this . container . querySelector ( ".video_container" ) ;
this . refsCallback = refsCallback || function ( ) { } ;
if ( ! this . videoContainer . getAttribute ( "data-videoId" ) ) {
console . error ( "Expected to find data-videoId attribute on" , this . videoContainer , "for player initialized on" , this . container ) ;
throw new Error ( "Missing data-videoId attribute." ) ;
this . markers = [ ] ;
var markerEls = this . markersContainer . querySelectorAll ( ".marker" ) ;
if ( markerEls . length == 0 ) {
console . error ( "No markers found in" , this . markersContainer , "for player initialized on" , this . container ) ;
throw new Error ( "Missing markers." ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < markerEls . length ; ++ i ) {
var marker = {
timestamp : parseInt ( markerEls [ i ] . getAttribute ( "data-timestamp" ) , 10 ) ,
ref : markerEls [ i ] . getAttribute ( "data-ref" ) ,
endTime : ( i < markerEls . length - 1 ? parseInt ( markerEls [ i + 1 ] . getAttribute ( "data-timestamp" ) , 10 ) : null ) ,
el : markerEls [ i ] ,
fadedProgress : markerEls [ i ] . querySelector ( ".progress.faded" ) ,
progress : markerEls [ i ] . querySelector ( ".progress.main" ) ,
hoverx : null
} ;
marker . el . addEventListener ( "click" , this . onMarkerClick . bind ( this , marker ) ) ;
marker . el . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , this . onMarkerMouseMove . bind ( this , marker ) ) ;
marker . el . addEventListener ( "mouseleave" , this . onMarkerMouseLeave . bind ( this , marker ) ) ;
this . markers . push ( marker ) ;
this . currentMarker = null ;
this . currentMarkerIdx = null ;
this . youtubePlayer = null ;
this . youtubePlayerReady = false ;
this . playing = false ;
this . shouldPlay = false ;
2017-03-11 02:48:11 +00:00
this . buffering = false ;
this . pauseAfterBuffer = false ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
this . speed = 1 ;
2018-02-28 20:18:11 +00:00
this . currentTime = - 1 ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
this . lastFrameTime = 0 ;
this . scrollTo = - 1 ;
this . scrollPosition = 0 ;
this . nextFrame = null ;
this . looping = false ;
2017-06-03 01:32:18 +00:00
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
this . markersContainer . addEventListener ( "wheel" , function ( ev ) {
this . scrollTo = - 1 ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
Player . initializeYoutube ( this . onYoutubeReady . bind ( this ) ) ;
this . updateSize ( ) ;
2018-02-28 20:18:11 +00:00
this . resume ( ) ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
// Start playing the video from the current position.
// If the player hasn't loaded yet, it will autoplay when ready.
Player . prototype . play = function ( ) {
if ( this . youtubePlayerReady ) {
if ( ! this . playing ) {
this . youtubePlayer . playVideo ( ) ;
2017-03-15 02:10:11 +00:00
this . pauseAfterBuffer = false ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
} else {
this . shouldPlay = true ;
} ;
// Pause the video at the current position.
// If the player hasn't loaded yet, it will not autoplay when ready. (This is the default)
Player . prototype . pause = function ( ) {
if ( this . youtubePlayerReady ) {
if ( this . playing ) {
this . youtubePlayer . pauseVideo ( ) ;
2017-03-11 02:48:11 +00:00
} else if ( this . buffering ) {
this . pauseAfterBuffer = true ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
} else {
this . shouldPlay = false ;
} ;
// Sets the current time. Does not affect play status.
// If the player hasn't loaded yet, it will seek to this time when ready.
Player . prototype . setTime = function ( time ) {
this . currentTime = time ;
if ( this . youtubePlayerReady ) {
this . currentTime = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( this . currentTime , this . youtubePlayer . getDuration ( ) ) ) ;
this . youtubePlayer . seekTo ( this . currentTime ) ;
this . updateProgress ( ) ;
} ;
Player . prototype . jumpToNextMarker = function ( ) {
var targetMarkerIdx = Math . min ( ( this . currentMarkerIdx === null ? 0 : this . currentMarkerIdx + 1 ) , this . markers . length - 1 ) ;
var targetTime = this . markers [ targetMarkerIdx ] . timestamp ;
this . setTime ( targetTime ) ;
this . play ( ) ;
} ;
Player . prototype . jumpToPrevMarker = function ( ) {
var targetMarkerIdx = Math . max ( 0 , ( this . currentMarkerIdx === null ? 0 : this . currentMarkerIdx - 1 ) ) ;
var targetTime = this . markers [ targetMarkerIdx ] . timestamp ;
this . setTime ( targetTime ) ;
this . play ( ) ;
} ;
// Call this after changing the size of the video container in order to update the youtube player.
Player . prototype . updateSize = function ( ) {
var width = this . videoContainer . offsetWidth ;
var height = width / 16 * 9 ;
this . markersContainer . style . height = height ;
if ( this . youtubePlayerReady ) {
this . youtubePlayer . setSize ( Math . floor ( width ) , Math . floor ( height ) ) ;
// Stops the per-frame work that the player does. Call when you want to hide or get rid of the player.
Player . prototype . halt = function ( ) {
this . pause ( ) ;
this . looping = false ;
if ( this . nextFrame ) {
cancelAnimationFrame ( this . nextFrame ) ;
this . nextFrame = null ;
// Resumes the per-frame work that the player does. Call when you want to show the player again after hiding.
Player . prototype . resume = function ( ) {
this . looping = true ;
if ( ! this . nextFrame ) {
this . doFrame ( ) ;
Player . initializeYoutube = function ( callback ) {
if ( window . APYoutubeAPIReady === undefined ) {
window . APYoutubeAPIReady = false ;
window . APCallbacks = ( callback ? [ callback ] : [ ] ) ;
window . onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function ( ) {
window . APYoutubeAPIReady = true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < APCallbacks . length ; ++ i ) {
APCallbacks [ i ] ( ) ;
} ;
var scriptTag = document . createElement ( "SCRIPT" ) ;
scriptTag . setAttribute ( "type" , "text/javascript" ) ;
scriptTag . setAttribute ( "src" , "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api" ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( scriptTag ) ;
} else if ( window . APYoutubeAPIReady === false ) {
window . APCallbacks . push ( callback ) ;
} else if ( window . APYoutubeAPIReady === true ) {
callback ( ) ;
Player . prototype . onMarkerClick = function ( marker , ev ) {
var time = marker . timestamp ;
if ( this . currentMarker == marker && marker . hoverx !== null ) {
time += ( marker . endTime - marker . timestamp ) * marker . hoverx ;
this . setTime ( time ) ;
this . play ( ) ;
} ;
2017-06-18 21:42:11 +00:00
function getElementXOffsetFromPage ( el ) {
var left = 0 ;
do {
left += el . offsetLeft ;
} while ( el = el . offsetParent ) ;
return left ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
Player . prototype . onMarkerMouseMove = function ( marker , ev ) {
if ( this . currentMarker == marker ) {
2017-06-18 21:42:11 +00:00
marker . hoverx = ( ev . pageX - getElementXOffsetFromPage ( marker . el ) ) / marker . el . offsetWidth ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
} ;
Player . prototype . onMarkerMouseLeave = function ( marker , ev ) {
marker . hoverx = null ;
} ;
Player . prototype . updateProgress = function ( ) {
var prevMarker = this . currentMarker ;
this . currentMarker = null ;
this . currentMarkerIdx = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . markers . length ; ++ i ) {
var marker = this . markers [ i ] ;
if ( marker . timestamp <= this . currentTime && this . currentTime < marker . endTime ) {
this . currentMarker = marker ;
this . currentMarkerIdx = i ;
break ;
if ( this . currentMarker ) {
var totalWidth = this . currentMarker . el . offsetWidth ;
var progress = ( this . currentTime - this . currentMarker . timestamp ) / ( this . currentMarker . endTime - this . currentMarker . timestamp ) ;
if ( this . currentMarker . hoverx === null ) {
var pixelWidth = progress * totalWidth ;
this . currentMarker . fadedProgress . style . width = Math . ceil ( pixelWidth ) + "px" ;
this . currentMarker . fadedProgress . style . opacity = pixelWidth - Math . floor ( pixelWidth ) ;
this . currentMarker . progress . style . width = Math . floor ( pixelWidth ) + "px" ;
} else {
this . currentMarker . fadedProgress . style . opacity = 1 ;
this . currentMarker . progress . style . width = Math . floor ( Math . min ( this . currentMarker . hoverx , progress ) * totalWidth ) + "px" ;
this . currentMarker . fadedProgress . style . width = Math . floor ( Math . max ( this . currentMarker . hoverx , progress ) * totalWidth ) + "px" ;
if ( this . currentMarker != prevMarker ) {
if ( prevMarker ) {
prevMarker . el . classList . remove ( "current" ) ;
prevMarker . fadedProgress . style . width = "0px" ;
prevMarker . progress . style . width = "0px" ;
prevMarker . hoverx = null ;
if ( this . currentMarker ) {
this . currentMarker . el . classList . add ( "current" ) ;
this . scrollTo = this . currentMarker . el . offsetTop + this . currentMarker . el . offsetHeight / 2.0 ;
this . scrollPosition = this . markersContainer . scrollTop ;
2017-05-19 22:29:35 +00:00
if ( this . currentMarker ) {
2018-02-28 20:18:11 +00:00
this . refsCallback ( this . currentMarker . ref , this . currentMarker . el , this ) ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
} else if ( prevMarker && prevMarker . ref ) {
this . refsCallback ( null ) ;
} ;
Player . prototype . doFrame = function ( ) {
var now = performance . now ( ) ;
var delta = ( now - this . lastFrameTime ) / 1000.0 ;
this . lastFrameTime = now ;
if ( this . playing ) {
this . currentTime += delta * this . speed ;
this . updateProgress ( ) ;
if ( this . scrollTo >= 0 ) {
var targetPosition = this . scrollTo - this . markersContainer . offsetHeight / 2.0 ;
targetPosition = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( targetPosition , this . markersContainer . scrollHeight - this . markersContainer . offsetHeight ) ) ;
this . scrollPosition += ( targetPosition - this . scrollPosition ) * 0.1 ;
if ( Math . abs ( this . scrollPosition - targetPosition ) < 1.0 ) {
this . markersContainer . scrollTop = targetPosition ;
this . scrollTo = - 1 ;
} else {
this . markersContainer . scrollTop = this . scrollPosition ;
this . nextFrame = requestAnimationFrame ( this . doFrame . bind ( this ) ) ;
} ;
Player . prototype . onYoutubePlayerReady = function ( ) {
this . youtubePlayerReady = true ;
this . markers [ this . markers . length - 1 ] . endTime = this . youtubePlayer . getDuration ( ) ;
this . updateSize ( ) ;
this . youtubePlayer . setPlaybackQuality ( "hd1080" ) ;
if ( this . currentTime > 0 ) {
this . currentTime = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( this . currentTime , this . youtubePlayer . getDuration ( ) ) ) ;
this . youtubePlayer . seekTo ( this . currentTime , true ) ;
if ( this . shouldPlay ) {
this . youtubePlayer . playVideo ( ) ;
} ;
Player . prototype . onYoutubePlayerStateChange = function ( ev ) {
if ( ev . data == YT . PlayerState . PLAYING ) {
this . playing = true ;
this . currentTime = this . youtubePlayer . getCurrentTime ( ) ;
} else if ( ev . data == YT . PlayerState . PAUSED || ev . data == YT . PlayerState . BUFFERING ) {
this . playing = false ;
this . currentTime = this . youtubePlayer . getCurrentTime ( ) ;
this . updateProgress ( ) ;
} else {
this . playing = false ;
2017-03-11 02:48:11 +00:00
this . buffering = ev . data == YT . PlayerState . BUFFERING ;
if ( this . playing && this . pauseAfterBuffer ) {
this . pauseAfterBuffering = false ;
this . pause ( ) ;
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
} ;
Player . prototype . onYoutubePlayerPlaybackRateChange = function ( ev ) {
this . speed = ev . data ;
} ;
Player . prototype . onYoutubeReady = function ( ) {
var youtubePlayerDiv = document . createElement ( "DIV" ) ;
youtubePlayerDiv . id = "youtube_player_" + Player . youtubePlayerCount ++ ;
this . videoContainer . appendChild ( youtubePlayerDiv ) ;
this . youtubePlayer = new YT . Player ( youtubePlayerDiv . id , {
videoId : this . videoContainer . getAttribute ( "data-videoId" ) ,
width : this . videoContainer . offsetWidth ,
height : this . videoContainer . offsetWidth / 16 * 9 ,
2017-06-03 01:32:18 +00:00
//playerVars: { disablekb: 1 },
2017-03-10 14:19:25 +00:00
events : {
"onReady" : this . onYoutubePlayerReady . bind ( this ) ,
"onStateChange" : this . onYoutubePlayerStateChange . bind ( this ) ,
"onPlaybackRateChange" : this . onYoutubePlayerPlaybackRateChange . bind ( this )
} ) ;
} ;
Player . youtubePlayerCount = 0 ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
// NOTE(matt): Hereafter is my stuff. Beware!
function toggleMenuVisibility ( element ) {
if ( element . classList . contains ( "visible" ) )
element . classList . remove ( "visible" ) ;
element . parentNode . classList . remove ( "visible" ) ;
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
focusedElement = null ;
if ( focusedIdentifier )
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
focusedIdentifier = null ;
for ( menuIndex in menuState )
menuState [ menuIndex ] . classList . remove ( "visible" ) ;
menuState [ menuIndex ] . parentNode . classList . remove ( "visible" ) ;
if ( focusedElement )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
if ( focusedIdentifier )
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
element . classList . add ( "visible" ) ;
element . parentNode . classList . add ( "visible" ) ;
if ( element . classList . contains ( "quotes_container" ) )
if ( ! lastFocusedQuote )
lastFocusedQuote = element . querySelectorAll ( ".ref" ) [ 0 ] ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedQuote ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( element . classList . contains ( "references_container" ) )
if ( ! lastFocusedReference || ! lastFocusedIdentifier )
lastFocusedReference = element . querySelectorAll ( ".ref" ) [ 0 ] ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = lastFocusedReference . querySelector ( ".ref_indices" ) . firstElementChild ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedReference ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
focusedIdentifier = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( element . classList . contains ( "filter_container" ) )
if ( ! lastFocusedCategory )
lastFocusedCategory = element . querySelectorAll ( ".filter_content" ) [ 0 ] ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( element . classList . contains ( "credits_container" ) )
if ( ! lastFocusedCreditItem )
2018-04-04 22:39:38 +00:00
if ( element . querySelectorAll ( ".credit .person" ) [ 0 ] . nextElementSibling )
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
lastFocusedCreditItem = element . querySelectorAll ( ".credit .support" ) [ 0 ] ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
setIconLightness ( focusedElement . firstChild ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
lastFocusedCreditItem = element . querySelectorAll ( ".credit .person" ) [ 0 ] ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
function handleMouseOverViewsMenu ( )
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
switch ( cineraProps . V )
case views . REGULAR :
case views . THEATRE :
viewsContainer . style . display = "block" ;
} break ;
case views . SUPERTHEATRE :
viewsContainer . style . display = "none" ;
} break ;
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
function enterFullScreen _ ( )
if ( ! document . mozFullScreen && ! document . webkitFullScreen )
if ( cinera . mozRequestFullScreen )
cinera . mozRequestFullScreen ( ) ;
cinera . webkitRequestFullScreen ( Element . ALLOW _KEYBOARD _INPUT ) ;
function leaveFullScreen _ ( )
if ( document . mozCancelFullScreen )
document . mozCancelFullScreen ( ) ;
document . webkitExitFullscreen ( ) ;
function toggleTheatreMode ( ) {
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
switch ( cineraProps . V )
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
case views . REGULAR :
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cineraProps . C = cinera . style . backgroundColor ;
cineraProps . Z = cinera . style . zIndex ;
cineraProps . X = cinera . style . left ;
cineraProps . Y = cinera . style . top ;
cineraProps . W = cinera . style . width ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
cineraProps . mW = cinera . style . maxWidth ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cineraProps . H = cinera . style . height ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
cineraProps . mH = cinera . style . maxHeight ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cineraProps . P = cinera . style . position ;
cinera . style . backgroundColor = "#000" ;
cinera . style . zIndex = 64 ;
cinera . style . left = 0 ;
cinera . style . top = 0 ;
cinera . style . width = "100%" ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
cinera . style . maxWidth = "100%" ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cinera . style . height = "100%" ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
cinera . style . maxHeight = "100%" ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cinera . style . position = "fixed" ;
viewItems [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( "data-id" , "regular" ) ;
viewItems [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( "title" , "Regular mode" ) ;
viewItems [ 0 ] . firstChild . nodeValue = "📺" ;
} cineraProps . V = views . THEATRE ; break ;
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
case views . SUPERTHEATRE :
leaveFullScreen _ ( ) ;
case views . THEATRE :
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cinera . style . backgroundColor = cineraProps . C ;
cinera . style . zIndex = cineraProps . Z ;
cinera . style . left = cineraProps . X ;
cinera . style . top = cineraProps . Y ;
cinera . style . width = cineraProps . W ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
cinera . style . maxWidth = cineraProps . mW ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cinera . style . height = cineraProps . H ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
cinera . style . maxHeight = cineraProps . mH ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
cinera . style . position = cineraProps . P ;
viewItems [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( "data-id" , "theatre" ) ;
viewItems [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( "title" , "Theatre mode" ) ;
viewItems [ 0 ] . firstChild . nodeValue = "🎭" ;
} cineraProps . V = views . REGULAR ; break ;
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
player . updateSize ( ) ;
function toggleSuperTheatreMode ( )
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
switch ( cineraProps . V )
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
case views . REGULAR :
toggleTheatreMode ( ) ;
case views . THEATRE :
enterFullScreen _ ( ) ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
} cineraProps . V = views . SUPERTHEATRE ; break ;
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
case views . SUPERTHEATRE :
leaveFullScreen _ ( ) ;
toggleTheatreMode ( ) ;
2018-01-17 20:15:00 +00:00
} cineraProps . V = views . REGULAR ; break ;
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
player . updateSize ( ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
function handleKey ( key ) {
var gotKey = true ;
switch ( key ) {
case "q" : {
if ( quotesMenu )
toggleMenuVisibility ( quotesMenu )
} break ;
case "r" : {
if ( referencesMenu )
toggleMenuVisibility ( referencesMenu )
} break ;
case "f" : {
if ( filterMenu )
toggleMenuVisibility ( filterMenu )
} break ;
case "c" : {
if ( creditsMenu )
toggleMenuVisibility ( creditsMenu )
} break ;
2018-01-15 21:52:24 +00:00
case "t" : {
if ( cinera )
toggleTheatreMode ( ) ;
} break ;
case "T" : {
if ( cinera )
toggleSuperTheatreMode ( ) ;
} break ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
case "Enter" : {
if ( focusedElement )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "quotes_container" ) )
var time = focusedElement . querySelector ( ".timecode" ) . getAttribute ( "data-timestamp" ) ;
player . setTime ( parseInt ( time , 10 ) ) ;
player . play ( ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "references_container" ) )
var time = focusedIdentifier . getAttribute ( "data-timestamp" ) ;
player . setTime ( parseInt ( time , 10 ) ) ;
player . play ( ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "credit" ) )
if ( focusedElement . hasAttribute )
var url = focusedElement . getAttribute ( "href" ) ;
window . open ( url , "_blank" ) ;
console . log ( "TODO(matt): Implement me, perhaps?\n" ) ;
} break ;
case "o" : {
if ( focusedElement )
2017-08-10 01:05:41 +00:00
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "references_container" ) ||
focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "quotes_container" ) )
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
var url = focusedElement . getAttribute ( "href" ) ;
window . open ( url , "_blank" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "credit" ) )
if ( focusedElement . hasAttribute ( "href" ) )
var url = focusedElement . getAttribute ( "href" ) ;
window . open ( url , "_blank" ) ;
} break ;
case "w" : case "k" : case "ArrowUp" : {
if ( focusedElement )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "quotes_container" ) )
if ( focusedElement . previousElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedQuote = focusedElement . previousElementSibling ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedQuote ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "references_container" ) )
if ( focusedElement . previousElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedReference = focusedElement . previousElementSibling ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedReference ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = focusedElement . querySelector ( ".ref_indices" ) . firstElementChild ;
focusedIdentifier = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filters" ) )
if ( focusedElement . previousElementSibling &&
focusedElement . previousElementSibling . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedCategory = focusedElement . previousElementSibling ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "credit" ) )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . previousElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . previousElementSibling . querySelector ( ".support" ) &&
focusedElement . classList . contains ( "support" ) )
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
setIconLightness ( focusedElement . firstChild ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
lastFocusedCreditItem = focusedElement . parentNode . previousElementSibling . querySelector ( ".support" ) ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
setIconLightness ( focusedElement . firstChild ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
lastFocusedCreditItem = focusedElement . parentNode . previousElementSibling . querySelector ( ".person" ) ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
} break ;
case "s" : case "j" : case "ArrowDown" : {
if ( focusedElement )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "quotes_container" ) )
if ( focusedElement . nextElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedQuote = focusedElement . nextElementSibling ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedQuote ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "references_container" ) )
if ( focusedElement . nextElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedReference = focusedElement . nextElementSibling ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedReference ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = focusedElement . querySelector ( ".ref_indices" ) . firstElementChild ;
focusedIdentifier = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filters" ) )
if ( focusedElement . nextElementSibling &&
focusedElement . nextElementSibling . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedCategory = focusedElement . nextElementSibling ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "credit" ) )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . nextElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . nextElementSibling . querySelector ( ".support" ) &&
focusedElement . classList . contains ( "support" ) )
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
setIconLightness ( focusedElement . firstChild ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
lastFocusedCreditItem = focusedElement . parentNode . nextElementSibling . querySelector ( ".support" ) ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
setIconLightness ( focusedElement . firstChild ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
lastFocusedCreditItem = focusedElement . parentNode . nextElementSibling . querySelector ( ".person" ) ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
} break ;
case "a" : case "h" : case "ArrowLeft" : {
if ( focusedElement )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "references_container" ) )
if ( focusedIdentifier . previousElementSibling )
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = focusedIdentifier . previousElementSibling ;
focusedIdentifier = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
else if ( focusedIdentifier . parentNode . previousElementSibling . classList . contains ( "ref_indices" ) )
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = focusedIdentifier . parentNode . previousElementSibling . lastElementChild ;
focusedIdentifier = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
else if ( focusedElement . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filter_media" ) &&
focusedElement . parentNode . previousElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedMedium = focusedElement ;
if ( ! lastFocusedTopic )
lastFocusedTopic = focusedElement . parentNode . previousElementSibling . children [ 1 ] ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedTopic ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "credit" ) )
if ( focusedElement . classList . contains ( "support" ) )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedCreditItem = focusedElement . previousElementSibling ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
setIconLightness ( focusedElement . firstChild ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
} break ;
case "d" : case "l" : case "ArrowRight" : {
if ( focusedElement )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "references_container" ) )
if ( focusedIdentifier . nextElementSibling )
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = focusedIdentifier . nextElementSibling ;
focusedIdentifier = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
else if ( focusedIdentifier . parentNode . nextElementSibling )
focusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = focusedIdentifier . parentNode . nextElementSibling . firstElementChild ;
focusedIdentifier = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
else if ( focusedElement . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filter_topics" ) &&
focusedElement . parentNode . nextElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedTopic = focusedElement ;
if ( ! lastFocusedMedium )
lastFocusedMedium = focusedElement . parentNode . nextElementSibling . children [ 1 ] ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedMedium ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
else if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "credit" ) )
if ( focusedElement . classList . contains ( "person" ) &&
focusedElement . nextElementSibling )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedCreditItem = focusedElement . nextElementSibling ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCreditItem ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
setIconLightness ( focusedElement . firstChild ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
} break ;
case "x" : case " " : {
if ( focusedElement && focusedElement . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
filterItemToggle ( focusedElement ) ;
if ( focusedElement . nextElementSibling &&
focusedElement . nextElementSibling . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
2017-06-11 22:49:04 +00:00
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filter_topics" ) )
lastFocusedTopic = focusedElement . nextElementSibling ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedTopic ;
lastFocusedMedium = focusedElement . nextElementSibling ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedMedium ;
lastFocusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedElement ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
} break ;
case "X" : case "capitalSpace" : {
if ( focusedElement && focusedElement . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
filterItemToggle ( focusedElement ) ;
if ( focusedElement . previousElementSibling &&
focusedElement . previousElementSibling . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
2017-06-11 22:49:04 +00:00
if ( focusedElement . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filter_topics" ) )
lastFocusedTopic = focusedElement . previousElementSibling ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedTopic ;
lastFocusedMedium = focusedElement . previousElementSibling ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedMedium ;
lastFocusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedElement ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
} break ;
case "z" : {
toggleFilterMode ( ) ;
} break ;
case "v" : {
if ( focusedElement && focusedElement . classList . contains ( "filter_content" ) )
invertFilter ( focusedElement )
} break ;
case "V" : {
resetFilter ( ) ;
} break ;
case "?" : {
helpDocumentation . classList . toggle ( "visible" ) ;
2017-06-03 01:32:18 +00:00
} break ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
case 'N' :
2018-02-28 01:04:06 +00:00
case 'J' :
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
case 'S' : {
player . jumpToNextMarker ( ) ;
} break ;
case 'P' :
2018-02-28 01:04:06 +00:00
case 'K' :
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
case 'W' : {
player . jumpToPrevMarker ( ) ;
} break ;
2018-02-28 01:04:06 +00:00
case '[' :
case '<' : {
if ( prevEpisode )
location = prevEpisode . href ;
} break ;
case ']' :
case '>' : {
if ( nextEpisode )
location = nextEpisode . href ;
} break ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
default : {
gotKey = false ;
} break ;
return gotKey ;
function applyFilter ( ) {
if ( filterMode == "exclusive" )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < testMarkers . length ; ++ i )
var testCategories = testMarkers [ i ] . classList ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < testCategories . length ; ++ j )
if ( ( testCategories [ j ] . startsWith ( "off_" ) ) && ! testMarkers [ i ] . classList . contains ( "skip" ) )
testMarkers [ i ] . classList . add ( "skip" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < testMarkers . length ; ++ i )
var testCategories = testMarkers [ i ] . classList ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < testCategories . length ; ++ j )
if ( ( testCategories [ j ] in filterState || testCategories [ j ] . startsWith ( "cat_" ) ) && testMarkers [ i ] . classList . contains ( "skip" ) )
testMarkers [ i ] . classList . remove ( "skip" ) ;
function toggleFilterMode ( ) {
if ( filterMode == "inclusive" )
filterModeElement . classList . remove ( "inclusive" ) ;
filterModeElement . classList . add ( "exclusive" ) ;
filterMode = "exclusive" ;
filterModeElement . classList . remove ( "exclusive" ) ;
filterModeElement . classList . add ( "inclusive" ) ;
filterMode = "inclusive" ;
applyFilter ( ) ;
function filterItemToggle ( filterItem ) {
var selectedCategory = filterItem . classList [ 1 ] ;
filterState [ selectedCategory ] . off = ! filterState [ selectedCategory ] . off ;
if ( filterState [ selectedCategory ] . off )
filterItem . classList . add ( "off" ) ;
2017-06-11 22:49:04 +00:00
if ( ! filterItem . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filter_media" ) )
filterItem . querySelector ( ".icon" ) . style . backgroundColor = "transparent" ;
2018-01-15 00:03:11 +00:00
var testMarkers = playerContainer . querySelectorAll ( ".marker." + selectedCategory + ", .marker.cat_" + selectedCategory ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
for ( var j = 0 ; j < testMarkers . length ; ++ j )
if ( filterState [ selectedCategory ] . type == "topic" )
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . remove ( "cat_" + selectedCategory ) ;
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . add ( "off_" + selectedCategory ) ;
var markerCategories = testMarkers [ j ] . querySelectorAll ( ".category." + selectedCategory ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < markerCategories . length ; ++ k )
if ( markerCategories [ k ] . classList . contains ( selectedCategory ) )
markerCategories [ k ] . classList . add ( "off" ) ;
2017-06-10 15:56:04 +00:00
markerCategories [ k ] . style . backgroundColor = "transparent" ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
2018-01-15 00:03:11 +00:00
var markerCategories = testMarkers [ j ] . querySelectorAll ( ".categoryMedium." + selectedCategory ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < markerCategories . length ; ++ k )
if ( markerCategories [ k ] . classList . contains ( selectedCategory ) )
markerCategories [ k ] . classList . add ( "off" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . remove ( selectedCategory ) ;
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . add ( "off_" + selectedCategory ) ;
Skipping = 1 ;
if ( filterMode == "exclusive" )
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . add ( "skip" ) ;
var markerClasses = testMarkers [ j ] . classList ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < markerClasses . length ; ++ k )
if ( markerClasses [ k ] in filterState || markerClasses [ k ] . replace ( /^cat_/ , "" ) in filterState )
Skipping = 0 ;
if ( Skipping )
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . add ( "skip" ) ;
filterItem . classList . remove ( "off" ) ;
2017-06-11 22:49:04 +00:00
if ( ! filterItem . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filter_media" ) )
filterItem . querySelector ( ".icon" ) . style . backgroundColor = getComputedStyle ( filterItem . querySelector ( ".icon" ) ) . getPropertyValue ( "border-color" ) ;
2017-06-10 15:56:04 +00:00
setDotLightness ( filterItem . querySelector ( ".icon" ) ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
var testMarkers = document . querySelectorAll ( ".marker.off_" + selectedCategory ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < testMarkers . length ; ++ j )
if ( filterState [ selectedCategory ] . type == "topic" )
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . remove ( "off_" + selectedCategory ) ;
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . add ( "cat_" + selectedCategory ) ;
var markerCategories = testMarkers [ j ] . querySelectorAll ( ".category." + selectedCategory ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < markerCategories . length ; ++ k )
if ( markerCategories [ k ] . classList . contains ( selectedCategory ) )
markerCategories [ k ] . classList . remove ( "off" ) ;
2017-06-10 15:56:04 +00:00
markerCategories [ k ] . style . backgroundColor = getComputedStyle ( markerCategories [ k ] ) . getPropertyValue ( "border-color" ) ;
setDotLightness ( markerCategories [ k ] ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . remove ( "off_" + selectedCategory ) ;
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . add ( selectedCategory ) ;
2018-01-15 00:03:11 +00:00
var markerCategories = testMarkers [ j ] . querySelectorAll ( ".categoryMedium." + selectedCategory ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < markerCategories . length ; ++ k )
if ( markerCategories [ k ] . classList . contains ( selectedCategory ) )
markerCategories [ k ] . classList . remove ( "off" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
Skipping = 0 ;
if ( filterMode == "inclusive" )
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . remove ( "skip" ) ;
var markerClasses = testMarkers [ j ] . classList ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < markerClasses . length ; ++ k )
if ( markerClasses [ k ] . startsWith ( "off_" ) )
Skipping = 1 ;
if ( ! Skipping )
testMarkers [ j ] . classList . remove ( "skip" ) ;
function resetFilter ( ) {
for ( i in filterItems )
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
if ( filterItems [ i ] . classList )
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
var selectedCategory = filterItems [ i ] . classList [ 1 ] ;
if ( filterInitState [ selectedCategory ] . off ^ filterState [ selectedCategory ] . off )
filterItemToggle ( filterItems [ i ] ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
2018-01-15 00:03:11 +00:00
if ( filterMode == "inclusive" )
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
toggleFilterMode ( ) ;
function invertFilter ( focusedElement ) {
var siblings = focusedElement . parentNode . querySelectorAll ( ".filter_content" ) ;
for ( i in siblings )
if ( siblings [ i ] . classList )
filterItemToggle ( siblings [ i ] ) ;
function resetFade ( ) {
filter . classList . remove ( "responsible" ) ;
filter . querySelector ( ".filter_mode" ) . classList . remove ( "responsible" ) ;
var responsibleCategories = filter . querySelectorAll ( ".filter_content.responsible" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < responsibleCategories . length ; ++ i )
responsibleCategories [ i ] . classList . remove ( "responsible" ) ;
2018-02-28 20:18:11 +00:00
function onRefChanged ( ref , element , player ) {
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
if ( element . classList . contains ( "skip" ) )
2018-02-28 01:04:06 +00:00
var filterState ;
var ErrorCount = 0 ;
if ( ! filter ) { console . log ( "Missing filter_container div" ) ; ErrorCount ++ ; }
if ( ! filterState ) { console . log ( "Missing filterState object" ) ; ErrorCount ++ ; }
if ( ErrorCount > 0 )
switch ( ErrorCount )
case 1 :
{ console . log ( "This should have been generated by Cinera along with the following element containing the \"skip\" class:" ) ; } break ;
default :
{ console . log ( "These should have been generated by Cinera along with the following element containing the \"skip\" class:" ) ; } break ;
console . log ( element ) ; return ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
if ( ! filter . classList . contains ( "responsible" ) )
filter . classList . add ( "responsible" ) ;
for ( var selector = 0 ; selector < element . classList . length ; ++ selector )
if ( element . classList [ selector ] . startsWith ( "off_" ) )
if ( ! filter . querySelector ( ".filter_content." + element . classList [ selector ] . replace ( /^off_/ , "" ) ) . classList . contains ( "responsible" ) )
filter . querySelector ( ".filter_content." + element . classList [ selector ] . replace ( /^off_/ , "" ) ) . classList . add ( "responsible" ) ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
if ( element . classList [ selector ] . startsWith ( "cat_" ) || element . classList [ selector ] in filterState )
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
if ( ! filter . querySelector ( ".filter_mode" ) . classList . add ( "responsible" ) )
filter . querySelector ( ".filter_mode" ) . classList . add ( "responsible" ) ;
setTimeout ( resetFade , 8000 ) ;
2018-02-23 23:36:42 +00:00
if ( player && player . playing )
player . jumpToNextMarker ( ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
return ;
for ( var MenuIndex = 0 ; MenuIndex < sourceMenus . length ; ++ MenuIndex )
var SetMenu = 0 ;
if ( ref !== undefined && ref !== null ) {
var refElements = sourceMenus [ MenuIndex ] . querySelectorAll ( ".refs .ref" ) ;
var refs = ref . split ( "," ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < refElements . length ; ++ i ) {
if ( refs . includes ( refElements [ i ] . getAttribute ( "data-id" ) ) ) {
refElements [ i ] . classList . add ( "current" ) ;
SetMenu = 1 ;
} else {
refElements [ i ] . classList . remove ( "current" ) ;
if ( SetMenu ) {
sourceMenus [ MenuIndex ] . classList . add ( "current" ) ;
} else {
sourceMenus [ MenuIndex ] . classList . remove ( "current" ) ;
} else {
sourceMenus [ MenuIndex ] . classList . remove ( "current" ) ;
var refs = sourceMenus [ MenuIndex ] . querySelectorAll ( ".refs .ref" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < refs . length ; ++ i ) {
refs [ i ] . classList . remove ( "current" ) ;
function navigateFilter ( filterItem ) {
if ( filterItem != lastFocusedCategory )
lastFocusedCategory . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
if ( filterItem . parentNode . classList . contains ( "filter_topics" ) )
lastFocusedTopic = filterItem ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedTopic ;
lastFocusedMedium = filterItem ;
lastFocusedCategory = lastFocusedMedium ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedCategory ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
function mouseOverQuotes ( quote ) {
if ( focusedElement && quote != lastFocusedQuote )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedQuote = quote ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedQuote ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
function mouseOverReferences ( reference ) {
if ( focusedElement && reference != lastFocusedReference )
focusedElement . classList . remove ( "focused" )
lastFocusedReference = reference ;
focusedElement = lastFocusedReference ;
focusedElement . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
var ourIdentifiers = reference . querySelectorAll ( ".timecode" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
weWereLastFocused = false ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < ourIdentifiers . length ; ++ k )
if ( ourIdentifiers [ k ] == lastFocusedIdentifier )
weWereLastFocused = true ;
if ( ! weWereLastFocused )
lastFocusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
lastFocusedIdentifier = ourIdentifiers [ 0 ] ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
focusedIdentifer = lastFocusedIdentifier ;
focusedIdentifer . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
for ( var l = 0 ; l < ourIdentifiers . length ; ++ l )
ourIdentifiers [ l ] . addEventListener ( "mouseenter" , function ( ev ) {
if ( this != lastFocusedIdentifier )
lastFocusedIdentifier . classList . remove ( "focused" ) ;
lastFocusedIdentifier = this ;
lastFocusedIdentifier . classList . add ( "focused" ) ;
} )
function mouseSkipToTimecode ( player , time , ev )
player . setTime ( parseInt ( time , 10 ) ) ;
player . play ( ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
return false ;
function handleMouseOverMenu ( menu , eventType )
2017-06-03 01:32:18 +00:00
if ( ! ( menu . classList . contains ( "visible" ) ) && eventType == "mouseenter" ||
menu . classList . contains ( "visible" ) && eventType == "mouseleave" )
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
if ( menu . classList . contains ( "quotes" ) )
toggleMenuVisibility ( quotesMenu ) ;
else if ( menu . classList . contains ( "references" ) )
toggleMenuVisibility ( referencesMenu ) ;
else if ( menu . classList . contains ( "filter" ) )
toggleMenuVisibility ( filterMenu ) ;
else if ( menu . classList . contains ( "credits" ) )
toggleMenuVisibility ( creditsMenu ) ;
2017-06-03 01:32:18 +00:00
if ( eventType == "click" && menu . classList . contains ( "help" ) )
helpDocumentation . classList . toggle ( "visible" ) ;
2017-05-31 00:21:21 +00:00
2017-06-09 22:04:07 +00:00
function RGBtoHSL ( colour )
var rgb = colour . slice ( 4 , - 1 ) . split ( ", " ) ;
var red = rgb [ 0 ] ;
var green = rgb [ 1 ] ;
var blue = rgb [ 2 ] ;
var min = Math . min ( red , green , blue ) ;
var max = Math . max ( red , green , blue ) ;
var chroma = max - min ;
var hue = 0 ;
if ( max == red )
hue = ( ( green - blue ) / chroma ) % 6 ;
else if ( max == green )
hue = ( ( blue - red ) / chroma ) + 2 ;
else if ( max == blue )
hue = ( ( red - green ) / chroma ) + 4 ;
var saturation = chroma / 255 * 100 ;
hue = ( hue * 60 ) < 0 ? 360 + ( hue * 60 ) : ( hue * 60 ) ;
return [ hue , saturation ]
function getBackgroundBrightness ( element ) {
var colour = getComputedStyle ( element ) . getPropertyValue ( "background-color" ) ;
var depth = 0 ;
2017-06-10 15:56:04 +00:00
while ( ( colour == "transparent" || colour == "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" ) && depth <= 4 )
2017-06-09 22:04:07 +00:00
element = element . parentNode ;
colour = getComputedStyle ( element ) . getPropertyValue ( "background-color" ) ;
++ depth ;
var rgb = colour . slice ( 4 , - 1 ) . split ( ", " ) ;
2017-06-10 15:56:04 +00:00
var result = Math . sqrt ( rgb [ 0 ] * rgb [ 0 ] * . 241 +
2017-06-09 22:04:07 +00:00
rgb [ 1 ] * rgb [ 1 ] * . 691 +
rgb [ 2 ] * rgb [ 2 ] * . 068 ) ;
2017-06-10 15:56:04 +00:00
return result ;
2017-06-09 22:04:07 +00:00
function setTextLightness ( textElement )
var textHue = textElement . getAttribute ( "data-hue" ) ;
var textSaturation = textElement . getAttribute ( "data-saturation" ) ;
if ( getBackgroundBrightness ( textElement . parentNode ) < 127 )
textElement . style . color = ( "hsl(" + textHue + ", " + textSaturation + ", 76%)" ) ;
textElement . style . color = ( "hsl(" + textHue + ", " + textSaturation + ", 24%)" ) ;
function setDotLightness ( topicDot )
var Hue = RGBtoHSL ( getComputedStyle ( topicDot ) . getPropertyValue ( "background-color" ) ) [ 0 ] ;
var Saturation = RGBtoHSL ( getComputedStyle ( topicDot ) . getPropertyValue ( "background-color" ) ) [ 1 ] ;
if ( getBackgroundBrightness ( topicDot . parentNode ) < 127 )
topicDot . style . backgroundColor = ( "hsl(" + Hue + ", " + Saturation + "%, 76%)" ) ;
topicDot . style . borderColor = ( "hsl(" + Hue + ", " + Saturation + "%, 76%)" ) ;
2017-11-11 00:34:47 +00:00
topicDot . style . backgroundColor = ( "hsl(" + Hue + ", " + Saturation + "%, 47%)" ) ;
topicDot . style . borderColor = ( "hsl(" + Hue + ", " + Saturation + "%, 47%)" ) ;
function setIconLightness ( iconElement )
if ( getBackgroundBrightness ( iconElement ) < 127 )
iconElement . style . backgroundPosition = ( "0px 0px" ) ;
iconElement . style . backgroundPosition = ( "16px 0px" ) ;
2017-06-09 22:04:07 +00:00