Fair warning: This is all under development and not yet packaged up for easy deployment ## hmml_to_html ### Download, and prepare the parser 1. `git clone git@gitssh.handmade.network:Annotation-Pushers/Annotation-System.git` 2. `cd Annotation-System/hmmlib` 3. `make` 4. `cp hmml.a hmmlib.h ../hmml_to_html/` 5. `cd ../hmml_to_html/` Note: For each parser update, remember to make and copy it into place ### Build 1. `zsh hmml_to_html.c` (replacing zsh with your shell as appropriate) ### Run #### Ordinary operation ./hmml_to_html test.hmml This simply generates an HTML file (and updates `cinera_topics.css` if needed) from `test.hmml` and outputs to `out.html` Note that if the `.hmml` file contains quotes (as `test.hmml` does), it would be easiest for now just to remove the quote from `test.hmml`. If you want quotes to work, run: mkdir /home/matt/git/GitHub/insofaras/25fc16d58a297a486334 git clone https://gist.github.com/insofaras/25fc16d58a297a486334 /home/matt/git/GitHub/insofaras/25fc16d58a297a486334 (Seriously, the path is hardcoded for now) Note also that `cinera.css` contains a `body {}` block at the bottom which you may want to remove / comment out #### Integration CINERA_MODE=INTEGRATE ./hmml_to_html test.hmml This will integrate into `template.html` (currently hardcoded) the player and related elements generated from `test.hmml` and output to `out.html` Feel free to play with `template.html` to your heart's content. If you do anything invalid, `hmml_to_html` will tell you what's wrong Valid tags: - `` _the day / episode name, intended to be used inside your own `