edition Project; paths { # In HMN, root would be the directory that serves up # https://hero.handmade.network/episodes where the searcher will reside root "/usr/local/www/test"; # All *.hmml files below the repo_remote location are to be pulled in to # the system with the directories being compared with the member and project # settings from the [video] node repo_remote "https://git.handmade.network/Annotation-Pushers/Annotation-Game"; repo_local "/usr/local/www/repo"; # The automatic stub creator will use the stub_base as its base directory stub_base "${repo_local}/projects"; } authentication { # NOTE(matt): Do we need any more auth stuff? repo_token ""; } project_info { riscy { member = "miotatsu" platform = "youtube"; feed = "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=BathtubBlogger"; project_name "RISCY BUSINESS"; project_unit "Day"; title_pattern "${project_name} - ${project_unit} ${number} - %{title}"; # TODO(matt): Work out this title_pattern with some actual stuff } } # Comment to end of line credentials { Miblo # The single-word name we use in the .hmml files, which also matches the username of project owners # Note that settings that open blocks do not end in a ; { display_name "Matt Mascarenhas"; # Optional, and may optionally be surrounded by quotes homepage "http://miblodelcarpio.co.uk/"; # May optionally be quoted, as the admit prefers, # but must be quoted if containing a ; avatar "some_location.png"; # TODO(matt): Think further whether we want this funding_platform patreon; # This determines the logo and URL-generation, # and we'll need to specify the platforms we support funding_username miblo; } miotatsu { display_name "Mio Iwakura"; homepage "http://riscy.tv/"; funding_platform patreon; funding_username miotatsu; } _yunsup_lee # Prefixing with _ could be the convention for guests who are # not in the member base of the (associated) network { display_name "Yunsup Lee"; homepage "https://www.linkedin.com/in/yunsup-lee-385b692b"; } _andrew_waterman { display_name "Andrew Waterman"; homepage "https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-waterman-76805788"; } }