Workaround qutebrowser's (QtWebEngine) inability to handle a list of selectors in the :not() selector |
cinera | ||
hmml_to_youtube | ||
hmmlconv | ||
hmmlib | ||
hmmlib-js | ||
source_recorder | || |
Fair warning: This is all under development and not yet packaged up for easy deployment
Install the dependencies
- flex (for hmmlib)
- curl (for cinera)
Download, and prepare the parser
git clone
cd Annotation-System/hmmlib
cp hmml.a hmmlib.h ../cinera/
cd ../cinera/
Note: For each parser update, remember to make and copy it into place.
$SHELL cinera.c
Configure the server
If you enforce a strict Content Security Policy and X-Frame-Options in your server configuration as recommended by Security Headers, you may enable Cinera to function by making two small tweaks:
add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src …";
add_header X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM";
Note: For more information about these and other security headers, see Scott Helme's articles Content Security Policy - An Introduction and Hardening your HTTP response headers.
Single Edition operation
cinera test.hmml
This simply generates an HTML file (and updates cinera_topics.css
if needed)
from test.hmml
and outputs to out.html
(configurable with -o).
Project Edition operation
cinera -p ProjectID
Setting the ProjectID with the -p
flag triggers Project Edition. In this
edition Cinera monitors the Project Input Directory for new, edited and
deleted .hmml files, and generates one table of contents / search page and a
player page each for valid sets of annotations (or removes them, if needed).
By default all directories - input and output - are set to the current working directory. Typical operation will involve setting these flags:
-d Project Input Directory, the directory where the .hmml files reside
-r Asset Root Directory, path shallower than or equal to the CSS, Images and
JS directories
-R Asset Root URL, corresponding to the Root Directory
-c CSS Directory, relative to Root
-i Images Directory, relative to Root
-j JS Directory, relative to Root
-b Output Base Directory, location of the table of contents / search page
-B Output Base URL, corresponding to the Output Base Directory
-t Template Directory
-x Search Template Location, relative to Template Directory
-y Player Template Location, relative to Template Directory
Search Template
<!-- __CINERA_INCLUDES__ -->
to put inside your own<head></head>
<!-- __CINERA_SEARCH__ -->
the table of contents and search functionality
Player Template
<!-- __CINERA_INCLUDES__ -->
to put inside your own<head></head>
<!-- __CINERA_MENUS__ -->
<!-- __CINERA_PLAYER__ -->
<!-- __CINERA_SCRIPT__ -->
must come after<!-- __CINERA_MENUS__ -->
and<!-- __CINERA_PLAYER__ -->
Optional tags available for use in your Player Template
<!-- __CINERA_TITLE__ -->
<!-- __CINERA_VIDEO_ID__ -->
Other tags available for use in either template
- Asset tags:
<!-- __CINERA_ASSET__ path.ext -->
General purpose tag that outputs the URL of the specified asset relative to the Asset Root URL (-R)<!-- __CINERA_IMAGE__ path.ext -->
General purpose tag that outputs the URL of the specified asset relative to the Images Directory (-i)<!-- __CINERA_CSS__ path.ext -->
Convenience tag that outputs a <link rel="stylesheet"...> node for the specified asset relative to the CSS Directory (-c), for use inside your <head> block<!-- __CINERA_JS__ path.ext -->
Convenience tag that outputs a <script type="text/javascript"...> node for the specified asset relative to the JS Directory (-j), for use wherever a