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[video member=miotatsu stream_platform=twitch project=riscy title="Understanding the Perf Demo & Studying AON" vod_platform=youtube id=EPpqTR0t2AM annotator=Miblo]
[0:06][Return to studying the rdmcycle() macro][:asm :performance :research]
[0:51][Update stream information]
[1:18][Continue studying the rdmcycle() macro][:asm :performance :research]
[5:11][Read rdminstret()][:asm :performance :research]
[5:56][Read factorial()][:mathematics :research]
[9:10][Read through main() in performance_counters.c][:performance :research]
[18:10][Say we're done studying that demo, and move on to double_tap_dontboot.c]
[18:52][Read the intro :documentation in double_tap_dontboot.c][:booting :research]
[22:09][Marry up the #defines with the documentation[ref
site="SiFive Developers"
page="HiFive1 Getting Started Guide"
url=]][:booting :research]
[23:31][Read through main() in double_tap_dontboot.c]
[24:15][Read 3.1.11 Machine Trap-Vector Base-Adddress Register (mtvec)[ref
page="Draft Privileged ISA Specification v1.9.1"
url=]][:memory :research]
[28:02][Continue reading through double_tap_dontboot.c, including LED lighting and :"input handling" code][:booting :peripheral :research]
[45:02][Determine to review the LED stuff]
[47:51][Read Chapter 5 - E300 Always-On (AON) Domain[ref
site="SiFive Developers"
page="Freedom E300 Platform Reference Manual"
[57:05][Consult Table 5.1: SiFive AON Memory Map[ref
site="SiFive Developers"
page="Freedom E300 Platform Reference Manual"
[59:00][We are just about out of time]