[21:47][handmade_debug.cpp: Consider adding CollateAddVariableToGroup, AcquireMutex and ReleaseMutex to DEBUGInitializeValue to enable us to manipulate these types indirectly]
[25:27]["A better way"][quote 290]
[25:38][handmade_debug_interface.h: Write a new, thread-safe DEBUGInitializeValue]
[30:50][handmade_debug.cpp: Implement the ability to output all the variables in a list]
[59:23][@desuused][Variable initiation hack in DEBUG_IF macro makes my internal code quality kitten sad. Would it be possible to move that initiation to struct ""method""?]
[59:55][@btnGames][Persisting the DEBUGValue between live code loading is great, I didn't understand what you were doing but then I got it with the demo, really cool. I had conflated the value of a variable with the value of debug of the variable. Small addition for a huge benefit]
[1:02:20][@btnGames][Are you sad that you didn't fix Collation? If no more questions come in it would be neat to see it now, so you're not sad]
[1:02:49][@Mr4thDimention][Will you have time tomorrow to look at 4coder? I am trying to decide whether to prioritize getting the new demo out tomorrow morning]
[1:04:33][@Mr4thDimention][Gotcha, I do have parameterized commands that I'd love to hear a response on]
[1:05:10][@thenightysfly][Why are you awesome? Which dojo did you train to become a code warrior?]
[1:05:42][@Manicthenobody][desuused elaborated with a @Cmuratori prefix]
[1:06:19][@Manicthenobody][I quote "instead of writing debug_event Name = initiator((AnotherVar = something, something)); make a struct constructor debug_event (&AnotherVar, something) that initiates the value"]
[1:07:55][@desuused][So that you don't do assignment in the function call in the macro, which makes me really saaaad]
[1:10:25][@elxenoaizd][Are you playing any games? If so, what?]
[1:11:06][@MartinCohen][So elvin = elxenoaizd?]
[1:11:38][@Manicthenobody][How did you keep up that awesome beat just now?]
[1:11:51][@thenightysfly][What type of games do you prefer?]