[59:17][handmade_render_group.cpp: Rename both FitCameraDistanceToRectangle() and FitCameraDistanceToDimension() to FitCameraDistanceToHalfDim(), one which returns a v2 and calls the other twice]
[1:01:26][handmade_render_group.h: Consider removing DistanceAboveTarget from the camera_transform struct]
[1:05:16][handmade_render_group.h: Replace DistanceAboveTarget in the camera_transform struct with a v3 CameraP]
[1:06:25][handmade_render_group.cpp and handmade_world_mode.cpp: Change all necessary functions to use this CameraP]
[1:11:38][handmade_entity.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderEntities() set the CameraP]
[1:13:35][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make AddStandardRoom() manually offset the CameraHeight by 11, run the game and consider our problems]
[1:16:46][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Consider what UpdateAndRenderWorld() is doing]
[1:20:15][handmade_particles.cpp: Remove CameraP entirely from the particle pipeline, run the game and see our restored particles]
[1:21:48][handmade_entity.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderEntities() correctly compute CameraRelativeGroundZ, run the game and see our entities restored]
[1:24:06][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make AddStandardRoom() create an entity_collision_volume_group RoomCollision]
[1:29:41][Run the game and see that the bound properly encompasses the room]
[1:31:19][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Enable UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() to set the Camera->Offset differently]
[1:34:23][Run the game and consider camera centering]
[1:37:26][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Add assertion in UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() that we are InRoom, run the game and do not hit that assertion]
[1:40:23][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Consider the impact of the changeover coinciding with the time the sim region moves between blocks]
[1:44:18][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Prevent UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() from setting the Offset, run the game and crash in the debug system]
[1:45:31][handmade_debug.cpp: Look at GetElementFromEvent()]
[1:47:06][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Document the assumption that the camera center be the sim region center]
[1:47:58][Run the game and consider the camera displacement]
[1:52:39][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderWorld() draw a rectangle around the sim region, run the game and find that it is not lined up with the room]
[1:57:01][Step through BeginWorldChange() and inspect the SimRegion dimensions]
[1:58:11][Step through UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() and inspect the room entity's P]
[1:59:29][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderWorld() reduce the Z offset for the debug rectangles]
[2:00:42][handmade_render_group.cpp: Consider the possibility that GetRenderEntityBasisP() is computing a bogus HeightOffFloor]
[2:04:19][@klemensbaum][Q: A bit off-topic, but why do you use your headphone mic rather than the nice studio mic you have on the Jeff and Casey show?]
[2:05:28][@zilarrezko][The camera doesn't seem to be centered perfectly. Working as intended?]
[2:05:46][@mtsmox][Could you disable the Y displacement to test your theory?]
[2:06:42][@krrsplat][Started following the series on YouTube, and have made it to episode 14. Loving it so far. When I try to build solution in VS, I am unable to do so unless I put the #defines and typedefs into every file. Is this a VS thing or am I doing it wrong? Sorry for going way back[ref