[video output=day211 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Removing Records and Translation Units from the Debug Code" vod_platform=youtube id=hwLSZuxK6aU annotator=Miblo]
[1:01:36][@xDeadBringerx][I see a lot of branching in your code. Aren't you trashing the caches and the branch predictor?]
[1:05:16][@Angrycrow][Been soaking up so much of this stream as I catch up. I realized that I'm writing the usage code first nowadays. It's really streamlined my implementation brain. Just wanted to say thanks. Debate was great too]
[1:05:35][@ChronalDragon][Been learning about x86 assembly in one of my CS classes. Is there any way to force the compiler to use a register for a certain variable instead of a place on the stack?]
[1:06:59][@culver_fly][Just asking, but is it worthwhile to put so much effort on the debug system at this stage? There's a lot of things you're doing right now that I'm not sure how it will help in the future (maybe just because I have never programmed games before), but if I as a newbie game programmer were to work on this, do you suggest going as far as you're going right now or proceed on the gaming part to see what I need first before doing it?]
[1:08:37][@Mr4thDimention][Well if you would just replace the branches with polymorphism...]
[1:08:49][@elxenoaizd][What's more impressive: previous projects + practical experience vs college degree?]
[1:09:40][@JamesWidman][Compilers generally ignore the 'register' keyword]
[1:10:54][@xDeadBringerx][Ever thinking about running Handmade Hero through cachegrind?]