[1:02:11][@krohnos][I have a CS background but am 2 months behind on coding this. It is much easier to follow when I'm not trying to type myself. How detrimental would it be to my understanding to watch and just stop coding if I get too far behind? Sometimes when you're moving things around, I have to watch that bit 2-3 times]
[1:03:18][@ttbjm][Would it be worth only using gamma correction on texels that have alpha not equal to 0 or 1?]
[1:03:57][@robotchocolatedino][Could we do our maths in sRGB space?]
[1:04:22][Blackboard: Lerp in sRGB space]
[1:08:29][Blackboard: This Q&A just turned into an exploration]
[1:10:40][@cubercaleb][When are you going to start implementing OpenGL for the rendering?]
[1:11:00][@andsz_][Wouldn't be the 10_10_10_2 format (which is also available in hardware) be sufficient to avoid banding?]
[1:12:05][@sigma207][Then what is the point of using 2.2 at all? Why not just use 2 for the gamma?]
[1:12:58][@zuurr_][By repeatedly converting between linear and our approximated gamma space when doing each blend, are we compounding our errors?]
[1:14:47][@differentname][Do all monitors use the same 2.2 curve?]
[1:16:23][@cubercaleb][Is raising the color value to 2 instead of 2.2 really going to save that much processing power?]
[1:18:11][@kikokat][I got stuck implementing a Bitshift + PRNG in your engine, thanks for showing a code comment about 'Wang Hashing' earlier which was just what I needed]