[1:50:21][@mtsmox][Don't we already need acceleration, because the lookups for the closest traversable are already "slow"?]
[1:50:42][Blackboard: Closest Point Query vs Line Query]
[1:54:37][Blackboard: Ray tracing through a grid]
[1:56:55][@jura_z][Why not use signed \[sic\] distance fields? Best for line queries. (Sorry, a bit of context, just joined your stream)]
[1:58:08][Blackboard: Signed distance field]
[2:01:42][@jura_z][k-d tree?]
[2:02:35][@kim_jorgensen][Shouldn't we get the frame rate to a reasonable range before adding more complexity (lighting)? How do we know our budget?]
[2:03:03][Run the game in release, to check out the frame rate]
[2:03:50][@jim0_o][Are there (obvious) visual differences in these different lighting methods?]
[2:04:42][@vaualbus][On top of this, how we will manage shadows? Is that another big problem to solve?]
[2:05:35][@illumi25][Do you know if your broadcasts have inspired improvements in "popular" game engines out there?]
[2:08:43][@vaualbus][So all of this is still not a physically based rendering renderer? So almost all the time light is pre-calculated at asset creation?]
[2:12:40][@kim_jorgensen][Really slow on my old PC in debug mode. But it was more how do we know our budget?]