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[video output=day228 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Waiting for Dependent Tasks on Metagame Mode Changes" vod_platform=youtube id=4sdqC9V4P_g annotator=Miblo]
[0:13][Gift Received in the Mail: Owl of Shame Baby]
[2:06][Recap and set the stage for the day]
[5:14][Describe a threading bug in tasks which access the game's mode state and which persist]
[7:53][Set out our choices for fixing this bug]
[11:23][handmade.h: Add b32 DependsOnGameMode to task_with_memory]
[13:30][handmade.cpp: Add Platform.CompleteAllWork and NeedToWait to SetGameMode]
[20:10][Run the game and see that it does work right]
[20:33][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Call PlayTitleScreen upon exiting from the game]
[21:03][Debugger: Note that we may now be clearing a large block of memory to zero, run the game and use Debug->Break All to confirm that]
[23:06][handmade.h: Introduce struct arena_push_params and inline arena_push_params in order to specify to the Push routines whether or not to clear to zero]
[27:14][handmade.h: Introduce AlignNoClear and Align]
[29:51][Propagate our new features to all of the Push calls that require it]
[35:38][handmade.h: Introduce NoClear and finish writing these new functions]
[37:28][Run the game and see that it runs much more snappily]
[38:01][Consider making the memory arenas flow all the way down to the operating system level, making the debug system use a separate set of growable memory, and fixing the renderer's sorting]
[41:00][handmade_render_group.cpp: Take a look at how the renderer currently works]
[43:32][handmade_render_group.cpp: Consider removing the notion of the scanlines]
[44:21][build.bat: Turn on HANDMADE_INTERNAL]
[44:57][Run the game and watch our last frame time]
[46:16][handmade_render_group.cpp: Remove the Even / Odd notion]
[47:49][Run the game and enjoy our beautiful rendering]
[48:12][handmade_optimized.cpp: Increment the Y counter by 1 rather than 2]
[49:13][Run the game and see that we may have got a little faster]
[49:52][handmade_render_group.cpp: Consider providing some way of knowing what we're sorting]
[53:11][handmade_render_group.h: Add PushBufferElementCount to render_group to let us know how many elements have been pushed]
[55:27][handmade_render_group.cpp: Introduce struct tile_sort_entry and use it in RenderGroupToOutput]
[1:00:55][Run the game and see that it still works fine]
[1:02:06][@serge_rgb][Could you tell us roughly how the expanding arena would be implemented?]
[1:02:57][@insofaras][Is the lower level memory arena thing you mentioned for PC basically just what malloc / VirtualAlloc does?]
[1:03:25][@SimonDenton][I got the K & R book to learn C. Any other useful resources? I take online stuff with a grain of salt]
[1:03:36][@gasto5][Is interlaced the same as interleaved?]
[1:04:33][@Connor_Rentz][What should I do with my life while Handmade Hero is on break?]
[1:05:06][@cubercaleb][Which algorithm do you plan on using for sorting?]
[1:05:43][@elxenoaizd][Why are we running in a windows application (using WinMain) instead of a console one (using regular main(int, char**)), and still RegisterClass, CreateWindow, etc?]
[1:06:35][@cubercaleb][Why was the interleaving added in the first place?]
[1:07:01][@insofaras][How many TODOs are there in the code now?]
[1:07:29][@pragmascrypt][Is there much overhead to spawning the render threads every frame instead of keeping them around]
[1:07:45][@Culver_Fly][Do you always start with software rendering when working on games?]
[1:08:27][@groggeh][For new year's can we get a marathon?]
[1:08:33][@RyanRies][Can you do really smooth animation in GDI, without vsync?]
[1:09:16][@elxenoaizd][Simple question, but how do you forward declare a struct in pure C? If I have "typedef struct foo {...} foo;" how do I forward declare this? I tried typedef struct foo foo; but it didn't work]
[1:09:49][@m1el][Do you have any optimization for not blending transparent pixels?]
[1:11:18][@cubercaleb][Once you have sorting implemented, do you think you will change the renderer to draw front to back?]
[1:11:40][@elxenoaizd][Thanks, I was just curious in my console question. But sometimes I write utils that I would like to live in the background and not be visible on the screen, so I use a Windows application and hide the window. Is there any way to use a console instead and hide that (from taskmgr, etc.)?]
[1:12:08][@actbinary][Can you give a quick overview of the way memory is managed at the moment? PushArena / BeginTempArena, etc?]
[1:12:46][Blackboard: Memory Arenas]
[1:14:21][@Alfwich][Are you still using .bat file compilations?]
[1:14:45][Wrap it up][:speech]