[1:05:02][@dsjimenez][Your 2D art already seems to have some shading. Will that just represent ambient lighting when mixed with this dynamic lighting you're trying to do?]
[1:05:57][@miblo][In MakeSphereNormalMap, should 'Y < Bitmap->Width;' be 'Y < Bitmap->Height;'?]
[1:06:15][@tenbroya][How far do you think you can increase the capabilities of an engine like this before you start to suffer from performance constraints due to using only the CPU (vs GPU)?]
[1:07:57][@stelar7][Don't you need to SRBGToLinear1 the normals or use the normals instead of the texel in the lerp?]
[1:12:05][@timbertoes][Is your lighting lookup a similar technique to MatCaps used in other software?]
[1:12:20][@lukeultra][What benefits do you see from using the extra time it takes to create your own engine from scratch? Is it worth it in your opinion?]
[1:12:35][@pseudonym73][The catch is that it's going to take the Sqrt of a negative number if you're outside the sphere]