[1:24:44][@conloncs][How will the focal length factor in? Will you have FOV stuff?]
[1:26:20][@conloncs][Semi related: What do you think about using different types for Points and Vectors?]
[1:26:52][@Zamar037][Does the screen center need to be involved? It was used in CompleteUnproject]
[1:27:10][@StarchyPancakes][Is part of the problem that the code isn't normalizing the motion between the mouse and the entity relative to the screen dimensions in world coordinates at the different levels?]
[1:28:03][handmade.cpp: Try doing the MetersToPixels after the fact]
[1:28:43][handmade_render_group.cpp: Check that there weren't any other transforms happening to PushRect]
[1:29:37][@abnercoimbre][Mm. We seem to have run out of questions]
[1:29:40][@cmuratori][What is the problem with this Unproject?]
[1:30:21][handmade_render_group.cpp: Investigate the problem]
[1:32:26][Meta-point: On the potential features of a development tool that would help with these types of problems]
[1:36:11][Debugger: Inspect a bunch of values and copy them to a scratch buffer]
[1:39:32][Owl of Shame Moment: We took out Z movement relative to the basis P]
[1:40:48][handmade.cpp: Correctly set Transform.OffsetP]
[1:41:11][Run the game and find it in the right place]
[1:44:17][On getting bitten by a feature][quote 272]