[51:10][@telconfig][Casey, is there a bug with chunk creation? You added a free list but are not using it?]
[52:18][@mmozeiko][When doing copy & pasta you left (f64) cast in wrong place for ternary operator - ((f64)va_arg(ArgList, f64)) \: (va_arg(ArgList, f32))]
[52:34][handmade_shared.h: Fix ReadVarArgFloat()]
[52:59][@internal_static_void][When you found yourself unable to write code for something, what would you do to try to find something to do for said project?]
[58:32][@braytoba][Looking to start a career in programming / computer science. I am currently 16 and in grade 12. Any tips on what I should do? "Also thanks chat for all the help"]
[59:45][@longboolean][It has been a while since we've seen some of the CTime stats that are being collected. If you have time?]
[1:00:58][Consult the CTime stats]
[1:02:16][@snoringtortoise][What is the current schedule for the stream? It seems that we have been dealing with bugs for a while - sorry I may have missed the explanation if you provided it a little while ago]
[1:02:32][@telconfig][When we get the chunk in GetWorldChunk() it seems we always allocate new memory. We never reuse the old chunks after removing them? I assumed you would add the removed chunk to the free list on the world and then reuse these when creating a new chunk rather than allocate more memory using the push struct? But you are currently not using this free list?]
[1:04:31][handmade_world.cpp: Enable GetWorldChunk() to recycle old chunks]
[1:06:31][Run the game]
[1:06:55][@uplinkcoder][What makes a bad programmer in your opinion?]
[1:07:28][@internal_static_void][About your build.bat file, why do you disable exceptions and warnings?]
[1:08:08][@Miblo][A related thing mentioned in a creative writing course I did was to "postpone perfection"]