[video output=day328 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Integer and String Support in Printf" vod_platform=youtube id=kxHN6ICgjgQ annotator=Miblo]
[1:05:39][@neres909][I posted my question twice on pre-stream but both times it wasn't addressed. I experienced a bit of lag back then so I checked on archive what's up and it wasn't there. Am I doing something wrong?]
[1:06:31][@hayai][A few people in the twitch chat are asking about what level of math do you think is required to be an effective programmer]
[1:08:26][@internal_static_void][Casey, I understand that you are replacing all the string header functions (strlen, etc.). Are you not worried about optimization for these new functions you plan to write?]
[1:09:14][@tiferet418][I'm just trying to learn how to code. I'm following Stroustrup's book and he insists on teaching using math. All the good beginner books tend to assume math knowledge]
[1:12:27][@neres909][And again. Just let me know if you see it[ref
[1:14:26][@neres909][Hey. In one year I'm graduating and it will be time to find a job. All I always wanted was to work in the game industry but I have no work experience or projects that I am proud of to show as my portfolio. I guess you were leading programmer in your projects and you were responsible for making decision who to hire]
[1:15:52][@neres909][How you see people like me in this decision? Should I take whichever offer as a programmer I could find which might not even be connected with games, or maybe try to make the best game I can do in one year, or save some money and do an internship without salary (I didn't see any studios with a paid one in my region)? What's your opinion?[ref
site="Molly Rocket"
page="HandmadeCon 2015 - Mike Acton"
page="Moving towards an interactive path tracer. I find I'm using @handmade_hero 2D rendering code time and time again"
[1:27:46][@neres909][Thank you for the in-depth explanation! I have one more Q: Since you're going on a break, can you trash out OOP just a bit so we don't get confused in the time you're not there, and stick to beloved compression oriented programming]