[video output=day373 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Inverting the Full 3D Transform" vod_platform=youtube id=rMMFFDbh2XU annotator=Miblo]
[2:04:10][@Miblo][Am I right in thinking that today's work has had the cool, and not immediately expected, side effect of beginning to level up the debug camera, in terms of mouse picking of entities? Or did the debug camera have that before anyway?]
[2:04:52][Blackboard: 3D Picking of Entities]
[2:05:46][@kim_jorgensen][Do you plan to keep the Assert in OpenGLDebugCallback? My driver is sending a lot of debug information that fires the assert]
[2:05:54][handmade_opengl.cpp: Disable the OpenGLDebugCallback error message]
[2:08:18][@lucid_frost][Why do you think it is not popular to do x-forward coordinate systems? Jon Blow was talking about it yesterday and it seems like a good idea, at least in terms of rotations]
[2:09:05][@macielda][Why use Square(Length(..))? How does it compare to LengthSq(..)?]
[2:09:21][handmade_math.h: Make CameraTransform() use LengthSq() directly]
[2:10:47][@unknown_20][Will you consider a faster matrix multiplication algorithm other than inner product?]
[2:11:33][@jeffgmelton][Is there a roadmap for what you will be working on over the coming months?]
[2:11:50][@macielda][The ProbeZ thing went a bit too quick for me. I didn't fully understand the role of WorldDistanceFromCameraZ and how you are going to generate it. Are you going to talk more about that next time?]
[2:12:04][Blackboard: The 3D Picking Procedure]
[2:13:56][@pragmascrypt][Since you are only doing quads, wouldn't it be possible to upload a constant index buffer once with the max number of vertices and then never touch it again?]
[2:14:59][@unknown_20][Is it possible that Square Length can result in a zero and blow up?]
[2:15:39][@kim_jorgensen][I get OpenGL messages with severity DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION and DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM]
[2:15:59][@ratchetfreak][Even a simple pass-through geometry shader is a decent perf hit]
[2:16:15][@rooctag][Sorry, didn't see the whole stream, but why no 60fps with the move to core GL?]
[2:16:31][build.bat: Temporarily switch to -O2 and disable the debug system]
[2:18:45][Run the game in the belief that this is 60fps]
[2:20:01][@kim_jorgensen][e.g. MEDIUM: "Recompiling fragment shader for program 3"]
[2:20:24][handmade_opengl.cpp: Pull in the severities from corearb.h and only make the OpenGLDebugCallback occur on GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH[ref