[00:53:49][@constantinopol][Can you show again how you skipped a failed assertion, by going to disassembly?]
[01:00:10][@swampy_butt][Would there be any case where you would like to increase volume non-linearly?]
[01:02:01][@flyingsand][So far you can just change the volume of individual sounds. Should we be able to change the volume of the master output as well?]
[01:03:26][@chronaldragon][Will Handmade Hero support spatialization? e.g. sound mostly in left channel if on left side of the screen, sound mostly in right channel if on right side, etc.]
[01:04:03][@rpg_ignis][How hard would it be to do a fade-out/fade-in for the music when the window loses focus/gets focus back?]
[01:05:09][@gasto5][So what did you end up doing to dVolume if it wasn't linear interpolation?]
[01:05:28][@waterlimon][If you implemented Assert using ?: instead of if, you could use it as part of expressions or other such places where you can't have an if statement]
[01:06:15][@gasto5][Did you already implement audio clipping?]
[01:08:04][@waterlimon][With respect to Assert, I don't know why you would want to put one in an expression, but apparently that's how it's usually implemented... It can't hurt, right?]
[01:09:45][@flyingsand][You can't just hard-clip audio, though. If you don't use a compressor/limiter you would have to at least use soft-clipping with tanh or something]
[01:10:12][@gasto5][Will you implement audio file compression?]
[01:11:35][@abnercoimbre][What would an audio compressor do?]
[01:13:45][@gasto5][How much optimization would the mixer require?]
[01:14:21][@javajax][What is the difference between a limiter and a compressor?]