[6:07][handmade_particles.h: Remove the notion of a particle system cache]
[7:37][handmade_particles.cpp: Remove GetOrCreateParticleSystem(), TouchParticleSystem() and InitParticleSystem(), rename PlayAround() to UpdateAndRenderFire() and rework InitParticleCache()]
[11:49][Run the game and see that this is all fine, although slower than it should be]
[13:52][handmade_particles.cpp: Consider why UpdateAndRenderFire() is so slow]
[16:31][handmade_particles.h: Introduce particle_4x, simplify particle_system and remove particle_v3, particle_v4 and the operator*()]
[17:55][handmade_particles.cpp: Remove GetParticle() and make UpdateAndRenderFire() work on particle_4x]
[20:23][handmade_particles.h: Introduce operator+=() for v3_4x]
[21:22][Run the game and see that we are now running as fast as expected]
[22:43][handmade_particles.h: Introduce operator*(), operator+() and operator+=() for v4_4x]
[24:48][Run the game and see that we're still good]
[26:05][Reflect on the importance of the profiler]
[28:49][handmade_particles.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderFire() take a dt and FrameDisplacementInit]
[31:03][handmade_particles.h: Introduce ToV34x()]
[31:57][handmade_particles.cpp: Enable UpdateAndRenderFire() to render particles through the standard path]
[44:04][Run the game, note that we are theortically generating particles and investigate why we aren't seeing them]
[47:09][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Prevent everything but the particles from being rendered, run the game and see them]
[1:11:20][@mmozeiko][gcc & clang don't have m128_f32 member for __m128. They need _mm_store_ps or something like ((float*)&A->P.x)\[index\] (or union with float array)]
[1:12:05][handmade_particles.cpp: Use the M macro for rendering the particles and introduce handmade_simd.h]
[1:16:04][@nxsy][soysaucethekid was suggesting to slow down the time to make sure it is now right]
[1:19:52][@thesizik][Not too long ago, you changed world coordinates to be s32 instead of u32. I think they were unsigned originally so that overflow would work correctly to have the world wrap around]
[1:20:27][@cyberpunkhobo][Does the Z position of the particles not get affected by the perspective transform?]
[1:22:58][@thesizik][But when your position goes from INT_MIN to INT_MAX, won't it cause undefined behavior?]