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[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=chat title="Health and Emulation" vod_platform=youtube id=uT5ao2rSNxI annotator=Miblo]
[0:06][Health Check]
[3:19][On modal editors]
[10:32][@elxenoaizd][I always wondered why it is hard to perfectly emulate console hardware with almost perfect performance like the Gamecube, PS2, etc. considering their hardware specs weren't that super advanced but yet it requires a decent computer to run games in Dolphin emulator]
[12:36][Blackboard: Single-thread speed]
[15:40]["Don't quote me on that"][quote 367]
[18:57][Blackboard: Emulation requires emulation][quote 368]
[29:17][@Ikkir_Isth][Able to use thumbs / thumbsticks? Wonder if one could map common stuff to a controller for a programming language to program via a controller]
[29:54][@Mr4thDimention][I'm working on a sort of experimental alternative to modes that reduces (probably eliminates) key holding! Do you still think that's a part of the problem for you?]
[30:46][@ingenero][Could these streams be a good time for some C++ tutorials or something similar?]
[31:22][@CaptainKraft][How much of the renderer that you wrote for Handmade Hero will be replaced when you move fully into OpenGL?]
[31:40][@ratchetfreak][Right-click and "remove from list" to remove keypass]
[31:53][@effect0r][They is gender neutral]
[32:08][@rbnelr][I'm working through some OpenGL tutorials at the moment and am at quaternions now.]
[32:19][@ryanrothweiler][Opinions on standup desk? I recently switched to one and my hands / wrists / arms feel noticeably better]
[32:59][@markarcioulo][I've been doing some reading on early computer graphics technology, 60s and 70s. Any thoughts on the topic?]
[33:40][@CaptainKraft][You've mentioned before that there are great programmers that have very different skillsets. What skillset is your strongest? Did you actively try to get better at it or just naturally fall into that skillset?]
[35:23][@thesizik][Dolphin is the emulator, not the chip]
[36:27][@ChronalDragon][Q: lol I like how every part of the GameCube is being labelled "Dolphin" by Casey now]
[36:37][@elxenoaizd][Thanks for the great answer! Regarding my question about rotation and scaling, apologies but I wasn't able to find the time to research it in Handmade Hero code due to my full-time job. The question was: How do scale and rotation play nice together if rotation is stored at the first 3x3 part of the transform matrix and the scale is at 1,2,3 diagonal? Wouldn't they step on each other's toes?]
[37:32][@ambiguous_panda][Ever have to write accessibility features for people with disabilities like RSI?]
[37:55][@boondoggle42][Since Jon Blow is soliciting for programmers to contrubute to JAI, would you be interested in being involved in any way?]
[38:11][@symbolic_butt][What do you think about model-view-controller pattern? If you already ranted about this, feel free to ignore this question]
[38:35][@sssmcgrath][(specific to me so feel free to skip): Remember that grid visibility determination thing? I spent 2 minutes thinking about it, I think just 4 8-bit numbers indicating how far in each cardinal direction you can see from that cell... solves everything! 4 bytes per cell. ez pz.]
[39:04][@ileacristian][In the first videos (archive) you mention that you won't use anything like OpenGL. Did you change your mind on the way?]
[39:40][@slashac][Looks like Silicon Valley bubble is bursting]
[39:58][@andrewjdr][Has the RSI been putting a damper on your work at Molly Rocket as well?]
[40:53][@longboolean][Have you tried using any funky ergonomic keyboards?]
[41:26][@kemosabe76][Casey's C Knowledge Nugget: To const or not to const?]
[43:57][@elxenoaizd][So one of the main problems is not that we're not fast enough but probably not accurate enough in emulation. But if the docs were pretty clear about everything related to the hardware, the specs, etc. where they really go down in details explaining how everything works, wouldn't that make the life of emulation authors easier?]
[45:04][@beefog][Now that I am playing The Witness, would you explain again what part you worked on?]
[46:07][@longboolean][I'm thinking of getting a sewing machine pedal for mode switching in vim]
[46:31][@acalc][Any suggestions on the ideal computer chair (and settings) for programming? I tend to have problems with the backs of my legs. (For a while now, I've actually been using one of those rubber exercise balls as a chair, which works but isn't the most comfortable thing ever, I guess)]
[47:51][@symbolic_butt][Do you know other advanced algebra topics that became a thing in modern programming like quaternions did?]
[48:30][@Ikkir_Isth][Thought about doing electronics and creating a custom keyboard for your issues?]
[48:57][@CaptainKraft][What kinds of jobs outside of the game industry translate well into game engine programming?]
[49:49][@CaptainKraft][Do you think that ARM can ever catch up to desktop CPUs or that it could be used as a good game platform?]
[50:56][@noctal][What don't you like about the Vulkan / DX12 APIs?]
[51:07][@quartertron][What about const and optimization possibilities?]
[52:46][@elxenoaizd][I'm very sad to hear about your hands, Sensei. I pray and wish you get well soon]
[53:08][@ciryus33][Around Day 130 or so you said that OpenGL and Direct3D were out back waiting to be put down and that everyone would be using Vulkan. Based on your comment just now, do you no longer feel that way?]
[55:09][@mmv94][Have you heard about the Godot Engine? Do you think it is a good tool for a prototype / proof of concept?]
[55:22][@ileacristian][How do you and Jonathan Blow know each other?]
[55:28][@elxenoaizd][Any general tips / suggestions how to approach the code for a new project with little to no art done for it yet? We have almost a complete game design document listing all the code stuff we need but there's so much stuff it's tricky to figure out where and how to start]
[55:59][@Miblo][Are you familiar with nonograms? @effect0r introduced me to them recently and I'm now addicted]
[56:11][@longboolean][You're probably the wrong person to ask, but do you have any idea when / if The Witness will get a Linux version?]
[58:08][@elxenoaizd][Have you ever tried building something for mobile and submitting it to a store? Like, Apple store, it's quite the tedious process, takes 30 minutes to build and only when it finishes it tells you if there was any errors.... it's quite the nightmare for me I don't understand why there are so many mobile game developers]
[58:51][@boondoggle42][If doctors could grow you clone arms on the back of a host animal, say, a pig, would you accept them as transplants onto your body to get another 30 years of pain free programming?]
[59:14][@ratchetfreak][Would it be possible to make a front-end wrapping the next-gen graphics APIs that you like?]
[59:37][@sssmcgrath][When my platform / game library is more ready would you be interested in scrutinizing the API design? (I mean look before it's too late to change it, but when it's something I think isn't awful)]
[1:00:45][@sophira][Are there any wrappers around OpenGL / D3D / Vulkan that you would prefer to become a full 3D API rather than just a wrapper?]
[1:01:01][@symbolic_butt][BTW, do you know what happened with The Witness' sound? A bunch of people I know had issues (including myself) and had to disable surround sound or something]
[1:02:26][@powerc9k][Have you completed The Witness?]
[1:03:16][@Miblo][Something I find kind of interesting regarding the financial viability of Linux is that, in those Humble Bundle payment pie charts, the Linux segment tends to be way above 1%]
[1:07:35][@thesizik][Could you stream The Witness?]
[1:07:58][@longboolean][Let's change the name, call it SteamOS: now is it viable?]
[1:09:35][Wrap that up]