[57:33][@quarter][Were you trapped in an elevator today?]
[57:47][@themarsalla][If you are nuking the concept of an entity type but still keeping everything tightly bound in the brain, what real gain does all of this work give us? Didn't we just shift responsibility into the brain?]
[59:49][@abner][After all this time, are finally you used to programming live? Is this a comfortable habit now?]
[1:00:27][@longboolean][Could you explain again what you just did with the brain slot? That went a little fast for me]
[1:04:02][@thesizik][How would you handle something like mind-controlling other entities, or having your mind swapped into a differently-structured body?]
[1:06:40][handmade_brain.cpp: Implement mind control in ExecuteBrain]
[1:09:26][handmade_brain.h: Introduce NoBrain]
[1:11:30][Run the game and take control of the familiar]
[1:12:29][handmade_brain.cpp: Make ExecuteBrain swap the BrainID and BrainSlot]
[1:15:12][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make PlayWorld set everything to NullCollision]
[1:15:50][Run the game and toggle between the familiar and the original hero]
[1:16:38][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make AddMonstar set a brain]
[1:17:03][Run the game and mind-control the monstar and the familiar]
[1:18:03][@arkandosde][When will we implement the zombie brain?]