From 2775a9b0ff690624d03772fe8f1a97735ce5336d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Mascarenhas Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2018 20:46:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Annotate hero/code437 --- cmuratori/hero/code/code437.hmml | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+) create mode 100644 cmuratori/hero/code/code437.hmml diff --git a/cmuratori/hero/code/code437.hmml b/cmuratori/hero/code/code437.hmml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0107e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/cmuratori/hero/code/code437.hmml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Switching to Precomputed Hemisphere Distributions" vod_platform=youtube id=ZS54TWa-ILA annotator=Miblo] +[0:06][@combicombi][Q: Casey, was just watching the previous stream about getting better noise sampling, and I was wondering why you need any randomness if you obtain a pretty evenly and well-covered sampling hemisphere?][:prng :statistics] +[0:49][Undersampling, and moving noise to the least objectionable place][:blackboard :prng :statistics] +[10:59][:Run the game to see how our :lighting is working at the moment][:rendering] +[14:20][Add SamplePoints to the lighting_solution and loft our hemisphere generation code out to GenerateSpiralSamples() and GeneratePoissonSamples()][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[21:19][:Run the game to see our spiral sample][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[21:33][Add keybindings for GeneratePoissonSamples() and GenerateSpiralSamples() in UpdateAndRenderWorld(), and reduce the MaxCos value in GeneratePoissonSamples()][:"input handling"] +[24:24][:Run the game and check out our two sampling patterns][:statistics] +[25:23][Make LightingTest() draw connections between clusters of sampling points][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[27:52][:Run the game to see our cluster of sampling points, and consider other sampling patterns[ref + author="À. Méndez-feliu and M. Sbert" + title="Comparing hemisphere sampling techniques for obscurance computation" + url=][ref + author="Holger Dammertz" + title="Hammersley Points on the Hemisphere" + url=][ref + author="Tien-Tsin Wong and Wai-Shing Luk and Pheng-Ann Heng" + title="Sampling with Hammersley and Halton Points" + url=][ref + site=Wikipedia + page="Halton sequence" + url=]][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[36:41][:Run the game and consider gleaning more structure from the spiral sampling over time][:lighting :statistics :rendering] +[37:37][Make LightingTest() colour the sampling points over time][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[39:49][:Run the game to see our coloured sampling points][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[43:51][Vary the N2 value in GenerateSpiralSamples() to sample variable coverage of the sphere][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[45:42][:Run the game to see this variable coverage][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[46:15][Make GenerateSpiralSamples() offset the coverage rotationally (i.e. spin the spirals)][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[47:40][:Run the game to see this spin][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[47:49][Combine these coverage schemes in GenerateSpiralSamples()][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[48:00][:Run the game to see the variable coverage, and consider how to generate points in clusters][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[50:33][Introduce the notion of a ClusterTable in LightingTest() to generate clusters of points][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[55:37][Check out our first cluster][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering :run] +[56:47][Start to build up our ClusterTable in LightingTest(), also visualising the clusters as lines relative to the entire set][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[59:39][:Run the game to see our clusters][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering :run] +[1:00:18][Continue to build up our ClusterTable][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering] +[1:01:10][Check out this new cluster and consider how best to tessellate our clusters][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :statistics :rendering :run] +[1:04:04][Introduce GeneratePolarSamples()][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[1:07:47][Polar sampling, derived from the height up the sphere][:blackboard :statistics] +[1:09:29][Continue to implement GeneratePolarSamples(), adding a key to trigger this pattern][:"input handling" :lighting :rendering :statistics] +[1:11:50][Check out this polar pattern, and consider making the spoke count proportional to the slice][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :rendering :statistics :run] +[1:13:18][Introduce a SpokeTable in GeneratePolarSamples() to distribute the samples around the sphere][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[1:18:29][Check out this polar pattern][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :rendering :statistics :run] +[1:18:41][Bias the z away from directly up and reduce the SliceCount in GeneratePolarSamples()][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[1:21:03][Check out our awesome polar pattern, and consider how to line the samples up for casting purposes][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :rendering :statistics :run] +[1:23:09][Reduce the SliceCount to 5 and introduce vertical jitter in GeneratePolarSamples()][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[1:26:13][Check out the polar jitter, and consider how to cluster our sampling points in terms of the jitter][:"debug visualisation" :lighting :rendering :statistics :run] +[1:31:59][Store SamplePoints as a matrix of v3_4x in lighting_solution, and enable InitLighting() to cluster up the samples][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[1:41:06][Check out our slightly broken :lighting][:rendering :run] +[1:41:22][Enable ComputeLightPropagation() to reorient the SampleD4x along the sample point normal][:lighting :rendering :statistics] +[1:43:50][Check out this potentially more correct :lighting][:rendering :run] +[1:46:06][Q&A][:speech] +[1:47:04][@ssylvan][@handmade_hero By the way, I mentioned this on twitter but the easiest way to compute a cosine distribution is to start with a 2D disk distribution for x / y then compute z by projecting to sphere (z = sqrt(1 - x^2 - y^2))][:statistics] +[1:48:12][@thejimjames40][Q: Do you have some resources for researching different game / system architectures in C? I'd like to focus on the data layout[ref + author="Jason Gregory" + title="Game Engine Architecture" + url=]] +[1:51:33][@blackburn1911][Q: What should I / we do everyday to become a good programmer like you, [@jon Jon Blow], etc?] +[1:53:42][@elfeck][Q: Do you use templates in the code right now?] +[1:53:58][@bas170400][Q: Hi, I am programming my first game (2D) as an intake assignment from my next education. The game uses an EntityComponentSystem. But now I'm stuck because I want different entities to have different animations for different situations but I don't know how to implement that. So my question is how do I go about that without writing different sprite components for every different entity type? All sorts of information is welcome][:"entity system"] +[2:00:16][@vkar2][Q: I played with the spiral, and had problems with the angular falloff][:statistics] +[2:00:43][@30ygamer][Q: First timer here. From what I saw it looks like organizational-wise a lot of things are bundled together in your code. How do you handle organizing a lot of code in general? Is it a C / C++ thing to have so many things together? I'm just kinda used to having small pieces of code] +[2:02:38][@gorevojd][Q: [@cmuratori Casey], I just want to say you thank you for everything. I started to watch you in 2014, when I graduated from university. You taught me more than all of my teachers there. I love game development and I love programming all because of you. Just thank you] +[2:03:09][@esert][Q: Did you find an answer to your questions in [ref + site="Casey Muratori's home page" + page="Are Register Names Still Useful?" + url=]] +[2:05:39][@phort99][Q: You mentioned not using templates. Do you use any code generation / :metaprogramming at all?] +[2:06:09][@thejimjames40][Q: Every time I am designing the data layout of a game / system I get very happy inside. Is this normal? Or should I see a psychiatrist? Also I absolutely love the sections about the :"entity system" and :"game design" decisions] +[2:06:30][@sneakybob_wot][Q: How much more optimized do you think you'll be able to get this :lighting code once you've sorted out this bundling?][:optimisation :rendering] +[2:06:47][@bozemoto][Q: I'm a programmer with three years' experience, what would you recommend for someone with my experience level to do to improve as a developer. I've been trying to learn new things outside of work, while avoiding breaking the non-compete part of my contract] +[2:07:42][@pythno][Q: Do you still use your Amiga?] +[2:08:23][Close things down][:speech] +[/video]