Index hero/code621
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[video output=day621 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Asset Tags in the World Generator" vod_platform=youtube id=l3018wbTGxY annotator=Miblo]
[0:01][Recap and set the stage for the day][:"asset system" :speech]
[0:54][Consider the order-dependence of the asset tag order][:"asset system" :speech]
[3:13][Consider the :performance of Hash32() in terms of order-independence][:"asset system" :hashing :speech]
[6:59][Consider the point of order-independent asset tagging][:"asset system" :hashing :speech]
[8:08][Sketch out updates to base_game.hht][:admin :"asset system"]
[10:38][Check out our compile errors][:"asset system"]
[11:08][Bind "J" globally][:admin]
[12:30][@ryanfleury][@handmade_hero `fleury_toggle_compilation_expand`]
[12:33][Bind "Insert" to fleury_toggle_compilation_expand][:admin]
[13:02][Try making AddPieceLight() and AddPieceOccluder() pass {} to AddPiece()][:"asset system"]
[14:19][Function parameter lookup and failed namespacing in C++[ref
site="Compiler Explorer"
url=]][:language :research]
[20:32][Update AddPlayer() to use GetTagHash()][:"asset system"]
[24:03][Reacquaint ourselves with the GEN_CREATE_ENTITY() macro and its calling sites][:"asset system" :research]
[29:46][Shrink the Tags array in gen_entity from 14 to 4][:"asset system" :"data structure"]
[30:18][Consider how to encode (random) variants in our tag hash][:"asset system" :hashing :research]
[38:16][Consider doing GetAssetFrom() exactly as the old GetBestMatchAssetFrom(),[ref
site="Handmade Hero"
url=] just without the WeightVector][:"asset system" :hashing :research]
[43:26][Make GetAssetFrom() match based on the old GetBestMatchAssetFrom(),[ref
site="Handmade Hero"
url=] just without the WeightVector][:"asset system" :hashing]
[50:12][Reflect on our new asset matching, with :optimisation potential and exact matching on tags][:"asset system" :hashing :research]
[51:01][Change asset_match_vector to be an f32 array and remove TagRange from game_assets][:"asset system" :"data structure"]
[51:55][Consider introducing a Modulus() function for facing direction][:"asset system" :"entity system" :mathematics :research]
[54:45][Embark on updating the picking of FacingDirection in UpdateAndRenderEntities()][:"asset system" :"entity system"]
[57:27][Revert the removal of TagRange from game_assets][:"asset system" :"data structure"]
[59:10][Augment entity_visible_piece with an f32 Variant for UpdateAndRenderEntities() to use][:"asset system" :"data structure" :"entity system"]
[1:00:32][Update AllocateGameAssets() to operate on MatchElement][:"asset system"]
[1:01:48][@ryanfleury][Hmmm I don't know, @handmade_hero… He's online so I will ping him about it]
[1:02:59][Consider making GEN_CREATE_ENTITY() take a tag hash][:"asset system" :"entity system" :research]
[1:03:58][@ryanfleury][Yeah, that is weird… because it's different from the virtual whitespace behavior…]
[1:04:04][Make GEN_CREATE_ENTITY() and all entity generation functions take a BaseHash][:"asset system" :"entity system"]
[1:07:44][Look into updating GenerateRoom() to our new asset matching scheme][:"asset system" :research]
[1:09:24][Delete AddTag() and the Tags array from entity, and propagate this change][:"asset system" :"entity system" :"data structure"]
[1:12:05][Consider providing a source of entropy to AddPiece()][:"asset system" :"entity system" :prng :research]
[1:13:34][Introduce entity_piece_asset for entity_visible_piece to contain][:"asset system" :"data structure" :"entity system"]
[1:17:48][Workaround C++'s ambiguous interpretation of {} in our AddPiece() calls][:"asset system" :language]
[1:19:21][Respecify AddTreeTags() as GetTreeTags() and change GEN_CREATE_ENTITY() to take an entity_piece_asset][:"asset system" :"entity system" :prng]
[1:23:22][Introduce ChangeHash()][:"asset system" :"entity system" :hashing]
[1:25:53][Change the AddPiece() forward-declarations to take an entity_piece_asset, and pass {} to AddPiece() again][:"asset system" :language]
[1:26:33][Introduce GetPieceAsset() for AddPlayer() to call][:"asset system" :"entity system"]
[1:29:35][~4coder feature request: Early scrolling out from behind an on-top window][:admin]
[1:30:05][Make AddPlayer() use GetPieceAsset() and ChangeHash()][:"asset system" :"entity system"]
[1:32:55][Defer our GenerateRoom() update to next time][:"asset system" :"procedural generation" :research]
[1:33:52][Fix the GenEntityAtTraversable() call in GenerateRoom()][:"asset system" :"procedural generation"]
[1:35:47][@ryanfleury][@handmade_hero I have alerted [@mr4thdimention the 4th dimension] of the bug]
[1:36:11][@exp_ix][Q: Are asset tags used for something like lister panels?][:"asset system"]
[1:36:33][@darthwutface][Q: The :API you mentioned not existing earlier for bulk sending packets: why doesn't it exist? Is there some hardware limitation?][:networking]
[1:40:22][@vironacorus][Q: Thoughts on Unity / Unreal / Godot (their quality)? How would an engine made by you look like?][:"game engine"]
[1:42:49][@kniffel5][Ori and the Will of the Wisps is done in Unity. Doesn't that count for AAA-quality? Though they had to modify it a bit][:"game engine"]
[1:46:51][@hmartarg][Q: Have you ever explained bit-fields and, if not, can you and is it still useful to use today? I just saw that in an old code base to do flags]
[1:50:35][@miles_gloriosus][@HmartArg @handmade_hero If it matters, bit-fields are nice to use in :networking, because you can pack the booleans in 1 or 2 bytes instead of taking up a byte for each one]
[1:51:04][@yrk_][Q: I didn't see you using any version control. Aren't you using any and are you not afraid of losing something valuable due to the mistake of deleting a bunch of code lines too quickly?[ref
site="Handmade Hero"
[1:52:30][Using :compression, not bit-fields, to minimise transmission bandwidth for :networking][:speech]
[1:53:23][@centhusiast][Q: Could you explain the downside of the JSON data format?]
[1:55:40][@maquinahumana][Q: Why do you use 32-bit bools – bool32 – rather than something smaller?]
[1:56:49][@centhusiast][Q: Have you heard about zstandard data :compression developed by facebook?]
[1:57:31][Wrap it up]
Reference in New Issue