Index hero/code663
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[video output=day663 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Simplifying Entity Storage, Part I" vod_platform=youtube id=LR3THwlv_r4 annotator=Miblo]
[0:00][Recap and set the stage for the day][:speech]
[0:34][Demo our updated world generation without entity unpacking][:"entity system" :"procedural generation" :run]
[1:19][Determine to simplify entity storage][:"entity system" :speech]
[4:12][Describe our entity packing system][:compression :"entity system" :speech]
[5:51][Plan our entity storage simplification][:"entity system" :speech]
[7:21][Remove ChunkZ from world_chunk and world_position][:"data structure" :"entity system"]
[11:13][The game runs just the same][:"entity system" :run]
[12:22][Reacquaint ourselves with the TODO in world_position][:"entity system" :research]
[12:59][Consider removing the ChangeTicket ticket_mutex from world][:"data structure" :research :threading]
[17:27][Plan to simplify the world][:"data structure" :"entity system" :research]
[18:46][Reorganise Rooms and Connections to the end of the world][:"data structure" :"debug system" :"entity system"]
[19:03][Describe our rooms and connections :"debug visualisation"][:"procedural generation" :run]
[19:48][Reacquaint ourselves with the entity packing system][:"data structure" :"entity system" :research]
[22:07][Consider switching to an updatable entity hash table: 1) Removing the sim_region][:"data structure" :"entity system" :research]
[24:16][Consider switching to an updatable entity hash table: 2) Moving the unpacked stuff from the world into the sim_region][:"data structure" :"entity system" :research]
[25:15][Consider the need to handle distant unpacked sim regions, e.g. free-exploring couch co-op][:"entity system" :research]
[27:30][Consider the need for spatial partitioning][:"entity system" :research]
[30:12][@nsaibot][Usually I take a nap to think about things]
[30:41][Consider the need for spatial partitioning (cont.)][:"entity system" :research]
[32:40][Reacquaint ourselves with the world's LastUsedEntityStorageIndex][:"data structure" :"entity system" :research]
[33:34][Respecify world_entity_block as packed_entity_block, and remove FirstFree from the world][:"data structure" :"entity system"]
[36:28][Introduce unpacked_entity_block for world_chunk to contain][:"data structure" :"entity system"]
[40:27][Consider moving EntityHash from sim_region to the world, for entity ID lookup][:"data structure" :"entity system" :research]
[41:12][Consider switching entity hash collision resolution from probing to chaining][:"entity system" :hashing :research]
[43:39][Consider removing entity ID lookup entirely in favour of spatial querying][:"entity system" :research]
[45:14][Briefly :run the game]
[45:26][Speculatively remove GetEntityByID()][:"entity system" :hashing]
[46:35][Plan entity storage simplification: 1) Remove traversables in favour of grid square occupation][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[47:22][@landosensei][Amazing content! I like the theme color palette. I would like to know: which theme are you using?]
[48:05][@alparkaan][Can you share the theme? The one in the source files is outdated[ref
site="Dion-Systems / 4coder"
page="4coder / ship_files / themes"
[50:09][@ponkkiz][I always thought it was [@ryanjfleury Ryan]'s theme. It looked very similar]
[50:18][@lesnariv][The repo is archived now. I don't think you can submit it]
[50:23][Copy theme-casey.4coder into the [~hero Handmade Hero] directory][:admin]
[51:02][@tarriest_python][I don't know if it will get merged, but I have a repo with just ~4coder themes if you wanna submit it there. It's where most people get pointed to from the ~4coder discord]
[51:47][@tarriest_python][I have access to the [~hero Handmade Hero] code so as long as your happy with it being public I can chuck it in when it goes up]
[51:59][Remove StompOnEntity()][:"entity system" :movement]
[52:18][Determine to change the idea of traversables to be based on an actual position][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[53:41][Plug OALabsLive[ref
[55:31][@an0nymal][Just wondering, is 32-bit int + float a quick and dirty way to get around floating point precision issues (assuming you only need a small range of the float within any 32-bit ID?]
[59:12][Plan our removal of traversables][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[1:00:30][Change IsOccupied() and Vacate() to take a v2s rather than traversable_reference][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:01:41][Introduce v2s, to possibly replace v2u][:"data structure"]
[1:02:55][#define function as static][:language]
[1:04:25][@cynokron][Rust: Hold my fn][:language]
[1:04:36][Remove Vacate() and change TransactionalOccupy() to take a v2s rather than traversable_reference][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:05:59][Consider respecifying IsOccupied()][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[1:07:58][Remove GetClosestTraversable()][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:09:59][Remove GetClosestTraversableAlongRay()][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:10:56][Remove GetMovementVoxelIndex() and AlignToMovementVoxel()][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:11:53][@sbrabez][IsCrossable()? I used this terminology in my Lemmings game][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:12:31][@detrohutt][Is it intentional for TransactionalOccupy() to always return false?][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:12:34][Enable TransactionalOccupy() to return true][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:12:38][Yearn for @sbrabez's Lemmings game][:speech]
[1:13:20][@bulmanator][Stream will not continue until this Lemmings game is found]
[1:13:52][@sbrabez][Not released yet, it was a personal project in Java]
[1:14:06][@sagian2005][We need LemmingsVR]
[1:14:48][Augment entity with TileIndex and add EntityFlag_OccupiesTile][:"data structure" :"entity system" :movement]
[1:16:55][@philbohun][I swear someone will make an "open world" Lemmings]
[1:17:17][Replace GetClosestTraversable() with tile indexing in ExecuteBrainHero(), changing Occupying and CameFrom to be a v2s in entity][:"data structure" :"entity system" :movement]
[1:20:19][Update DeleteEntity(), CreateEntity(), IsRoom() and EndWorldChange() to use our new "function" keyword][:language]
[1:21:22][Note mis-parsed error by ~4coder][:admin]
[1:21:44][Introduce a v2s overload of operator+()][:language]
[1:23:03][@thesandvichmaker][When I implement this code in C I tend to just make a macro festival to declare all the operator boilerplate][:language]
[1:23:52][@thesandvichmaker][This is one of the things I despise about GLM]
[1:23:59][Introduce a v2s overload of AreEqual()]
[1:24:27][@thesandvichmaker][It's the C++ math :library everybody on the open source internet likes to use][:mathematics]
[1:24:40][Implement the v2s overload of AreEqual()]
[1:24:58][@pajpiart][Best music I've heard all year]
[1:25:40][@thebaker__][Indiana Jones theme is mouth-trumpetty]
[1:26:19][Change ExecuteBrainHero() to test on EntityFlag_OccupiesTile rather than IsValid()][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:28:22][Move on to ExecuteBrainSnake()][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[1:28:37][Wonder why ExecuteBrain*() first set CameFrom to Occupying][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[1:29:11][Replace GetClosestTraversable() with tile indexing in ExecuteBrainSnake()][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:30:06][Consider changing how TransactionalOccupy() works][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[1:32:16][Fix ExecuteBrainHero() to set CameFrom to Occupying before TransactionalOccupy()][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:32:54][Introduce SingleTileDeltaFrom() for ExecuteBrain*() to use][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:35:20][Remove Traversables and Occupying from entity][:"data structure" :"entity system" :movement]
[1:35:46][Change ExecuteBrainSwitches() to use IsOccupied(), removing entity_traversable_point and traversable_reference, and augmenting entity with WasOccupiedLastCheck][:"data structure" :"entity system" :movement]
[1:42:03][Temporarily make IsOccupied() simply return false][:"entity system" :movement]
[1:42:31][Determine to replace the ATan2() calls in ExecuteBrainSnake()][:"entity system" :movement :performance :research]
[1:44:35][Introduce GetFacingDirectionFromSingleTileDelta() for ExecuteBrainSnake() to use][:"entity system" :mathematics :movement]
[1:47:56][@bulmanator][Pi and Tau have been cancelled][:mathematics]
[1:48:44][@technicbeam][It's a math thing, and "Turns" hasn't become popular enough yet][:mathematics]
[1:49:36][Implement GetFacingDirectionFromSingleTileDelta()][:"entity system" :mathematics :movement]
[1:50:39][@nates7][Do you configure your sin, cos and tan functions to use 0-1, then, instead of radians?][:mathematics]
[1:50:48][@ponkkiz][Some dude said tau > pi in some early stream's Q&A and we all fell for it][:mathematics]
[1:51:54][@rct33][Just don't let the math people see the video][:mathematics]
[1:52:44][@chadges_][For the assert would it be better to use an XOR since you don't want dTile x and y to both be 0?][:mathematics]
[1:53:17][@123_bou][Yes please!][:mathematics]
[1:53:47][Implement GetFacingDirectionFromSingleTileDelta() (cont.)][:"entity system" :mathematics :movement]
[1:56:19][@whimax07][2 - y and 1 - x then some type of mask?][:mathematics]
[1:56:44][Implement GetFacingDirectionFromSingleTileDelta() (cont.)][:"entity system" :mathematics :movement]
[2:05:12][Replace all ATan2() calls in ExecuteBrain*() with GetFacingDirectionFromSingleTileDelta()][:"entity system" :mathematics :movement]
[2:11:17][Introduce a v2s overload of operator-()][:language]
[2:11:51][Scan through our remaining traversable replacement work][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[2:13:01][#undef function for Windows][:language]
[2:13:27][Scan through our remaining traversable replacement work (cont.)][:"entity system" :movement :research]
[2:13:58][@spacenaming][Q: Don't know if it is still in there but in handmade_entity.cpp there was a flag check where the or / and part needed extra parentheses: ((Entity->Flags & EntityFlag_Deleted|EntityFlag_Active) == EntityFlag_Active)][:"entity system"]
[2:14:30][Fix the parentheses in IsActive()][:"entity system"]
[2:15:03][@spacenaming][And goes before or, if I am correct][:"entity system"]
[2:15:30][@spacenaming][I meant the execution]
[2:16:28][@und3f1n3d][What editor is it? Smooth scroll looks nice]
[2:18:14][@valigo][You can try to search for "scroll" right on GitHub and pray that their search will work[ref
site="Dion-Systems / 4coder_fleury"
site="Dion-Systems / 4coder"
[2:22:34][@tarriest_python][Pretty sure smoothscroll is default behaviour. Did you submit it to [@allen4th Allen] and he added it to the default layer maybe? So it's probably part of 4coder_default_hooks.cpp[ref
site="Dion-Systems / 4coder"
page="4coder / custom / 4coder_default_hooks.cpp"
[2:26:14][Reflect on our cubic-spline interpolation scrolling for ~4coder][:speech]
[2:26:39][Call it a day][:speech]
Reference in New Issue