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[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Generating Possible Room Volumes" vod_platform=youtube id=BnS1WgMOAYc annotator=Miblo]
[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Generating Possible Room Volumes" vod_platform=youtube id=BnS1WgMOAYc annotator=Miblo]
[0:00][\[Annotations to be written…\]]
[0:02][Recap and set the stage for the day generating possible room volumes][:"graph topology" :"procedural generation" :speech]
[1:52][Describe our current world layout code in CreateOrphanage() with a note that we are using an undirected graph][:"graph topology" :"procedural generation" :research]
[4:15][:Run the game to show our current world]
[5:03][A few words on starting to devise solutions and to open black boxes][:speech]
[7:25][Inter-room Layout][:blackboard :"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[9:29][Dynamically resizable rooms][:blackboard :"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[12:39][Recall dad's work at DEC around the time of the DEC Alpha[ref
page="DEC Alpha"
url=], chip layout, and "rip up and replace"][:fabrication :hardware :research]
[18:47][Speculative layout, and the notion of starting off with a totally brute force solution, before trying to reduce the search space of that solution][:blackboard :"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[26:30][Setup to tackle our layout problem with an eye toward impermanence][:blackboard :"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[29:01][Specify our world generation rules for Layout() to follow][:"graph topology" :"procedural generation" :research]
[31:47][Introduce gen_room_stack for Layout() to use, with a few words on the use of the compiler's vs our own stack management by recursive functions][:"graph topology" :memory :"procedural generation"]
[45:30][Introduce GetOtherRoom() for Layout() to call][:"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[49:52][Determine to enable Layout() to figure out where to place and connect rooms in a trial-and-error fashion, with four connections per room, connecting two rooms after both are placed][:"graph topology" :"procedural generation" :speech]
[54:10][Continue enabling Layout() to place and connect rooms in separate passes, introducing PushConnectedRooms()][:"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[1:00:28][Enumerating shapes of rooms that satisfy connections][:blackboard :"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[1:10:26][Union and intersection][:blackboard :geometry :"graph topology" :"procedural generation"]
[1:16:08][Determining the largest rectangle that touches other rectangles in our union][:blackboard :geometry :"procedural generation"]
[1:19:42][Metropolis–Hastings algorithm[ref
page="Metropolis–Hastings algorithm"
url=]][:research :statistics]
[1:25:28][The problem of stably iterating over multiple, changeable brute force possibilities][:speech]
[1:26:42][Enable Layout() to unionise our rooms, clipping that union to the largest spaces to accommodate a connecting room and placing a room there using PlaceRoom()][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[1:39:22][Minimum / maximum bounding rectangle room requirements to satisfy connections][:blackboard :geometry :"procedural generation"]
[1:43:23][Remove the union gathering phase from Layout(), in favour of room clipping based on the dimensions stored in gen_volume, introducing IsMinimumDimensionsForRoom()][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[1:57:44][Constraining our possible room placements][:blackboard :geometry :"procedural generation"]
[1:59:20][Enable PlaceRoom() to clip our rooms in all dimensions][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:08:49][Introduce InfinityVolume() containing the whole world for Layout() to call before PlaceRoom() clips out our desired region][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:14:37][Introduce GetMaximumVolumeFor(), and consider using a room spec to constrain our dimensions][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:18:05][Min / Max Intervals for Reasonable Length Picking][:blackboard :geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:22:05][Enable PlaceRoom() to pick reasonable room dimensions][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:28:49][#if 0 most of today's code, with a view to getting the existing code to work with our newly formulated notion of parameterised room volumes][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:34:06][:Run the game to see that all is okay][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:35:20][@LongBoolean][Q: I think one of your >= should be <=, also some < to >, around line 180, 190-ish, I think...]
[2:38:40][Fix PlaceRoom() to correctly clip our new room][:geometry :"procedural generation"]
[2:41:42][@bigmofo1][Q: Why you did not place important rooms randomly, then generate more rooms to join them? This seems more efficient than generating all the rooms upfront before placing them][:"procedural generation"]
[2:44:45][Wrap it up][:speech]
Reference in New Issue