diff --git a/cmuratori/hero/code/code441.hmml b/cmuratori/hero/code/code441.hmml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef4afa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmuratori/hero/code/code441.hmml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code medium=admin title="Never, Ever Update Your Development Tools. Ever." vod_platform=youtube id=-Wnx7KznmJU annotator=Miblo] +[0:00][Welcome to the stream with a brief mention of Visual Studio's installation experience, recalling the time we completed their survey[ref + site="Handmade Hero Episode Guide" + page="Optimizing Ray vs. AABB Intersections" + url=https://hero.handmade.network/episode/code/day433/#31]][:speech] +[4:31][Try to install NVIDIA Nsight Graphics[ref + site="NVIDIA Developer" + page="NVIDIA Nsight Graphics" + url=https://developer.nvidia.com/nsight-graphics]] +[9:35][Try to login to NVIDIA Developer[ref + site="NVIDIA Developer" + page="Download Center" + url=https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworksdownload#?dn=nvidia-nsight-graphics-1-0] on the dev machine, and debug what's going on with their website] +[19:33][Determine that it's a cross-site access problem, and try to run chrome with the --disable-web-security] +[22:24][Try to login to NVIDIA Developer[ref + site="NVIDIA Developer" + page="Download Center" + url=https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworksdownload#?dn=nvidia-nsight-graphics-1-0] with web security disabled, again with no luck] +[38:34][Try to login at the URL of the script that handles NVIDIA Developer's login dialog[ref + site="Sign In to NVIDIA Developer" + url=https://devzone.auth0.com/login?state=9XIW7mT9cDLEMrI1BG5v_HGB_AfyTyND&client=4jljTejN7RMO9suL0S33gFrYgjHX0VcW&protocol=oauth2&response_type=code&method=login&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.nvidia.com%2Fregister%2Fcallback%3Fapp%3Ddevzone&scope=openid]] +[42:44][Explain how to successfully log in to NVIDIA Developer[ref + site="Sign In to NVIDIA Developer" + url=https://devzone.auth0.com/login?state=9XIW7mT9cDLEMrI1BG5v_HGB_AfyTyND&client=4jljTejN7RMO9suL0S33gFrYgjHX0VcW&protocol=oauth2&response_type=code&method=login&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.nvidia.com%2Fregister%2Fcallback%3Fapp%3Ddevzone&scope=openid]][:speech] +[43:44][Install NVIDIA Nsight Graphics and [ref + site="NVIDIA Developer" + page="NVIDIA Display Driver - GeForce Desktop (391.01 Win10 64-bit)" + url=https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/assets/nsight-graphics-1_0_0-general-win10-64-driver]] +[51:06][@desuused][Q: You're blocking cookies!] +[53:23][Restart the computer to complete the driver installation, losing the mic audio in the process] +[54:50][Re-enable the audio] +[55:52][@godling72][@handmade_hero Do you want shader debugging? I think that's only in the Nsight Visual Studio edition, not Nsight Graphics] +[56:38][Launch NVIDIA Nsight Graphics, and try to :run our program] +[57:45][Try to send a crash report to NVIDIA, and encounter a "Connection Error" in the crash reporter] +[58:58][Try to make a project in Visual Studio 2017] +[1:03:03][Look at the NVIDIA Nsight Graphics welcome page for a while][:speech] +[1:04:00][@vaualbus][Q: As far as I know, not have the CRT make it to crash] +[1:04:36][@filiadelski][Q: I think you're getting the NVIDIA experience after all] +[1:04:44][@desuused][Q: Maybe run the profile as an admin?] +[1:05:09][Try to :run the game under Nsight Graphics as admin, unsuccessfully] +[1:05:46][Try to compile with the CRT by removing /NODEFAULTLIB from and adding -MTd to our CommonCompilerFlags in build.bat][:programming] +[1:12:46][Remove the #include of stdio.h and malloc.h][:programming] +[1:13:18][Q&A][:speech] +[1:14:03][@uplinkcoder][Q: Try removing handmade_msvc.c from the build as well] +[1:14:24][Try using the WinMain() entry point][:programming] +[1:15:45][Try to :run the game compiled with the CRT under Nsight Graphics, unsuccessfully] +[1:16:06][Try to send a crash report to NVIDIA, successfully!] +[1:17:24][@popcorn0x90][Q: Do you use anything like :metaprogramming to make modern OpenGL more tolerable?] +[1:17:36][@gravity_gunner][Q: What is the editor you use? The simplicity of it appeals to me as someone who used to work on a UNIX terminal back in the day[ref + site=itch.io + page=4coder + url=https://4coder.itch.io/4coder]] +[1:18:48][@AsafGartner][Q: Does it still work with the Visual Studio plugin of Nsight?] +[1:19:12][Try to :run the game with the Visual Studio plugin of Nsight] +[1:22:20][Install Nsight Visual Studio Edition[ref + site="NVIDIA Developer" + page="Nsight Visual Studio Edition Downloads" + url=https://developer.nvidia.com/nsight-visual-studio-edition-downloads]] +[1:27:16][Try to :run the game with the Visual Studio plugin of Nsight, still unsuccessfully] +[1:27:52][A few words on never updating your development environment][:speech] +[1:28:32][There's nothing else to say][:speech] +[/video]