Input Cleanup and Fixes

This episode starts with some cleanup and fixes to the input handling code from yesterday.

Sound Programming for Games

Casey starts with a high level overview of sound programing for games. The key ideas here are that we are allocating a circular buffer for sound, and the system will play it continually on a loop. If you haven't worked with circular buffers (or ring buffers) before, much of this code will be confusing. It's worth taking some time to familiarize yourself with them.


Working with DirectSound

The basic process for initializing DirectSound is as follows:

  1. Load the Library - LoadLibrary("dsound.dll")
  2. Create a DirectSound object - DirectSoundCreate()
  3. Set the Cooperative Level - IDirectSound8::SetCooperativeLevel()
  4. "Create" a primary buffer - IDirectSound8::CreateSoundBuffer()
  5. Create a secondary buffer
  6. Tell DirectSound to start playing the secondary buffer - IDirectSoundBuffer8::Play()

In the next episode we will look closely at how to fill this buffer and implement it in the game loop.