[video output=day270 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Making Traversable Points" vod_platform=youtube id=xNijkdjXhjg annotator=Miblo] [0:40][Recap and set the stage for the day] [2:35][Design: Room-based camera movement] [5:19][handmade_world_mode.cpp, handmade_asset.cpp and handmade.cpp: Delete the ground chunks] [7:44][Run the game and see exactly the same thing] [8:29][Blackboard: Tile- or cell-based movement and combinatorics] [15:52][handmade_sim_region.h and handmade_world_mode.cpp: Transform EntityType_Space into EntityType_Floor to respecify the world as being built up rather than carved out] [24:04][Run the game and see that the floor tiles can be picked] [24:27][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Draw the tiles] [24:56][Run the game, see our new floor tiles and consider how to use them] [26:38][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Conditionally set the Traversable flag based on the tile] [27:43][Run the game and see the traversable flag in action] [31:05][handmade_sim_region.h: Introduce sim_entity_traversable_point] [33:17][Blackboard: Snaky paths] [34:55][Consider formalising the location of entities] [37:32][handmade_sim_region.cpp and .h: Remove Gravity, ZSupported and the Traversable code in MoveEntity] [41:47][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Introduce MakeSimpleFloorCollision] [48:12][Run the game, continuously move upwards and investigate why] [54:08][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Stop making space bar trigger the jump] [54:54][Run the game and stay on the floor] [55:08][Q&A][:speech] [56:46][@chronaldragon][So how will this tile-based movement work? Will you still be able to move freely within a tile, or will the character actually "snap" to a tile?] [57:06][@fyoucon][When will we sort out the coordinate system?] [57:31][@friggodin][Is it possible to get access to the source code if I lost access to my old email account?] [58:53][@Miblo][How about stairwells? Their traversal used to be seamless, as far as I remember. Now that the rooms are locked, how will stairwells work?] [59:33][@theiburley][Any plans on changing to Visual Studio Code instead of the full IDE? I believe the full debugger is included] [1:00:13][@longboolean][What are the benefits / trade-offs in having each tile be an entity?] [1:02:44][@tobeypeters][Are you allocating your entities on the heap or stack? Heap, right? Could you even allocate enough stuff on the stack?] [1:05:47][@btngames][Do you foresee complications with the new grid entity floor system and the texture splats given you want a variable height per Traversable entity?] [1:06:25][@dudeinbasement1][Handle @Rbnelr confusion over atomics] [1:06:53][@Rbnelr][So if modern CPUs usually reorder or merge writes, how do they use memory mapped registers? Can you even bit-bang a serial protocol with it?] [1:09:30][@longboolean][What is the plan with rendering when the hero walks behind a piece of terrain that is on a higher level, and obscures the hero?] [1:09:59][@jim0_o][Will this system fix the collision areas getting stuck in each other if stacked, e.g. two heroes loading at the same position?] [1:10:48][Shut down][:speech] [1:11:16][Announce that the Handmade Hero forums will be going down this weekend while Handmade Network launches[ref site="Handmade Network" url="https://handmade.network/"]][:research] [/video]