[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Moving Entities on Boost Squares" vod_platform=youtube id=Ed13_ISgrU8 annotator=Miblo]
[0:40][Demo the difference between calling a function via a pointer and as a regular function call]
[5:07][A cursory explanation of what the processor is doing]
[11:22][Demo what happens when you call a function via a pointer]
[18:06][Demo the difference in the assembly when building as an x64 executable, and then in release mode]
[21:21][Demo what has to happen when you call a C++ virtual function]
[29:09][Run the game and determine to get teleportation working]
[29:53][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Enable UpdateAndRenderEntities() to teleport entities when they stand on a boost pad]
[34:31][Run the game and try out the boost pad]
[36:57][handmade_brain.cpp: Enable ExecuteBrain() to make the hero's head spring back to the body]
[39:10][Run the game and try out the boost pad to find that the head follows the body]
[40:41][handmade_entity.cpp: Make the body hop from the boost pad to the landing location]
[44:10][Run the game and try hopping off the boost pad]
[45:35][todo.txt: Update and consult the TODO list]
[51:29][@sssmcgrath][My 3 year old would like to know "why he angry?" re: the hero[ref
    site="Molly Rocket"
    page="Handmade Hero Art Progress"
[52:20][@thesizik][I think the snakes choose their next jump destination while still on the upper floor, so after they get boosted down they can jump back up again]
[53:07][@soysaucethekid][If you look at Kirby, the American version always has an angry face and the Japanese version is always smiling]
[53:24][@uplinkcoder][What happens if someone blocks the place someone gets boosted down to]
[54:01][@a_pulsing_mage][Can we talk again about Euro time stream?]
[54:52][Close "Solution ideas for the floor relative perspective transition issues"[ref
    page="HandmadeHero/cpp/Solution ideas for the floor relative perspective transition issues"
[55:52][@a_pulsing_mage][Streams at times for Europe like you did at the start of the project]
[56:45][@arigato_corleone][Are more general software questions okay?]
[57:07][@longboolean][Not being boosted down would clue the player in that there is an enemy there. Will that affect gameplay much?]
[57:53][@cyberpunkhobo][Any reason why you don't just let the hero jump down and only use jump pads for moving up levels?]
[58:36][@dmitsuki][In case you care, my problem with Minowski sums before was that when you drew it, the way it was drawn, my brain assumed you meant the origin of the shapes and not the origin of the graph]
[59:34][@a_pulsing_mage][demetrispanos told me about time reversible debuggers, and it sounds kinda bonkers. How would you implement it without making a huge strain on the runtime?]
[1:02:13][@arigato_corleone][Thoughts on VR? Have you had a chance to try out modern VR experiences? Developed any software for VR or thought about it?]
[1:05:46][@a_pulsing_mage][I looked for calls to the OS to give me the page size and I couldn't find it]
[1:06:55][@a_pulsing_mage][I meant the allocated pages]
[1:07:32][@arigato_corleone][Have you had a chance to look into the Rust programming language? Thoughts?]
[1:07:40][@dmitsuki][Is the penalty for polymorphic calls in non-intensive sections of codes worth the trade-off of usage benefits? Also, do you think you could beat John Carmack in a fight? You seem buff]
[1:09:55][@dmitsuki][To be real, my other question didn't matter. I don't care about polymorphism]
[1:11:07][@leftsideej][How long do you think until a new low-level-capable language will be produced to surpass C++?]
[1:18:08][@mellowplexus][Everything worth noting is made in C++, though]
[1:23:54][@dmitsuki][Do you think the fundamental issue with programming languages is not giving access to memory and treating memory as first class?]
[1:26:41][@tinyconstruct][A classmate in my graphics class actually cursed me out last week because malloc() "is too complicated to use in large programs." It's nuts how ardent people are about believing obviously wrong things. Just bonkers]
[1:30:48][@jameswidman][This sounds like a good argument for requiring software engineering students to ship a game as one of the requirements for graduation]
[1:31:30][@cacheoverride][Do you think it's worth moving to C++ from C99?]
[1:31:51][@leftsideej][Picking the less of two evils here, what's your advice between GNU Emacs and MCS?]
[1:32:12][@cynokron][If JAI doesn't work out, will you have to take it into your own hands and make a language?]
[1:33:09][@longboolean][Is there a practical way to use C in place of web languages like JavaScript and HTML? Is it possible to give them competition on the web?[ref
    site="Molly Rocket"
    page="Handmade Hero Art Progress"
[1:35:17][@kapsy1312][When I started at University we started learning OOP and Java. Do you think that this is part of the problem? I'm pretty sure if we'd started learning about Hardware then Assembly then C I would have been a better programmer earlier]
[1:36:37][@zilarrezko][How high is getting rid of windows.h and std libraries on your TODO list?]
[1:37:07][@longboolean][So you still need to convert to HTML, JavaScript, etc, but you do your main development in C?]
[1:38:21][@zilarrezko][Yes, getting rid of std libraries and windows.h on Handmade Hero]
[1:39:17][@a_pulsing_mage][What do you think about the new Coffee lake processor announcement? Seems like Intel is losing it]
[1:39:31][@leftsideej][Do you think TDD is efficient for a learning tool?]
[1:39:40][@omnitechnomancer][What is your opinion on high level features that are predicated on the unobservability of various low level details?]
[1:39:56][@cynokron][How is it even possible to remove windows.h? I thought that was the lowest possible choice without writing an OS yourself]
[1:40:55][@oldboy7][Have you done any JavaScript programming?]
[1:41:11][@a_pulsing_mage][The announcement was "10nm for low performance machine, and 14nm for high end, but more cores for them"]
[1:41:49][@zilarrezko][Shawn I know has his own file for just the windows function prototypes he uses. I've tried this in C, and it worked practically flawlessly, but I've had a problem getting it to work in C++. Do you know anything about that, that it could help me? Or should I try the forum?]
[1:42:35][@leftsideej][Have you considered getting a team together and maybe making a new language, doing it the right way?]
[1:43:35][@dmitsuki][I am currently writing the renderer for my own engine and I don't know if I should future proof it by writing it in Vulkan or stick with OpenGL 4.3. Do you have any opinions on the importance of multithreading for rendering?]
[1:45:43][@mellowplexus][Remove context from OpenGL? What do you mean?]
[1:47:50][@jameswidman][Interesting that you and Jonathan Blow disagree about the usefulness of AZDO (but you both seem to agree that we should just have a stable ISA and not even bother with programming GPUs through an API anymore)]
[1:50:42][@leftsideej][Do you think DX12 is going to be a big improvement over 11?]