[video output=day3qa member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=intro-to-c title="Intro to C on Windows - Day 3 Q&A" vod_platform=youtube id=20LmZk1hakA annotator=jacebennett annotator=wheatdog] [0:20][They teach nothing of this in many colleges. How do you feel about the new programming workforce?] [3:38][Someone asking Casey to play Density] [3:48][Suggestion on how to evaluate and see results in VS Memory Window] [5:16][Do any schools get this right?] [6:03][What languages do you use for metaprogramming C?] [6:09][Another suggestion regarding use of VS] [8:28][How useful is it to study cache-oblivious data structures?] [11:09][How do you meet experts?] [14:14][Will we see some use of linear algebra?] [16:05][Are we replacing STL with our own structures?] [16:13][Will there be network programming as part of the game?] [17:37][How do you feel about Rust?] [17:41][Do you plan on reviving the Molly Rocket forum for this project?] [17:58][What do you think about programming in C using a CLI-based OS?] [18:45][Another comment regarding cache-oblivious algorithms/data structures] [20:08][A comment regarding a Reddit question] [20:25][Are you uploading your streams to Youtube?] [20:55][Singing (?)] [21:01][What's the general plan for drawing graphics to the screen?] [21:20][Will you be trying to do game design?] [21:40][Suggestion on what to name Youtube channel] [21:48][Will you explain the properties of an API design?] [21:51][Closing remarks] [/video]