[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Animation Overview" vod_platform=youtube id=ytZbsYjtD_w annotator=Miblo]
[1:00][Recap and set the stage for the day]
[2:23][Blackboard: Animation]
[4:42][Blackboard: Exposure Time and Intervals of Time]
[9:26][Blackboard: Instantaneous Animation]
[17:26][Blackboard: Doing Numerical Integration with Euler steps to compute Instantaneous Animation]
[19:18][Blackboard: Lots of functions of lots of t's]
[21:31][Blackboard: Physics and Animation]
[22:55][Blackboard: Animation techniques: B-splines and Euler angles]
[24:44][Blackboard: Orders of B-splines]
[29:50][Blackboard: Parameter Spaces, State Vector and Generalized Coordinates]
[36:14][Blackboard: "Position Vector" vs "State Vector"]
[38:04][Blackboard: The animation pipeline: Stored -> Render Input -> Sprite List]
[39:47][Blackboard: "Skeletal animation"]
[42:29][Blackboard: Rendering the animation]
[44:03][Internet: The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation[ref
    site="Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston"
    page="The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation"
[44:58][Blackboard: Anticipation and Follow-through]
[47:33][Blackboard: Using "map into range" to split up the animation phases]
[50:45][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Add these phases to the body's hopping animation]
[53:20][Run the game and look at the jump]
[53:40][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Give the body some springiness]
[55:14][Blackboard: Using sine to compute the curve]
[57:37][Run the game and see the springiness]
[58:43][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Animate the ballistic phase]
[1:01:21][Run the game and check out the hop]
[1:01:39][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Give the animation some follow-through on the landing]
[1:02:14][Run the game and check out the hop]
[1:02:48][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Speed the hop back up again and check it out]
[1:04:12][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Set the Entity->FacingDirection]
[1:04:45][@thesizik][What's the difference between B-splines and Bezier curves?]
[1:05:00][Blackboard: Bezier vs B-spline curves]
[1:05:54][Blackboard: Bezier curve]
[1:10:46][Blackboard: B-spline curve]
[1:14:42][@ffsjs][From a beginner's perspective, it seems that in software rendering, keeping "milliseconds per frame" in a certain controlled boundary is somewhat in the programmer's control (depending on the code quality and orientation towards performance). Does that become more difficult when going into hardware rendering (with drivers) territory? Or is it the other way around?]
[1:15:26][@dudeinbasement1][Are we going to do any compression on the image, or only movement of the torso?]
[1:15:45][@ffsjs][Which game design decision requires hopping / tilejumps as opposed to the previous way of moving the hero?]
[1:16:04][@ttbjm][Is it possible to create animations like Looney Tunes where looking at still frames you could see multiple heads and limbs or features that are extremely exaggerated and distorted? Somehow it still looks fine in motion. Smear animation is a term I could find in 30 seconds of googling]
[1:17:27][@yolosswagez][Why not use java instead of C?]
[1:20:22][@yolosswagez][Jmonkey and LWJGL are professional open source libraries that are written in java, just to name a couple]
[1:22:04][@Miblo][Probably time to just take questions from the Handmade Network IRC?]
[1:22:56][@cubercaleb][In order to stretch the body to the head will we implement shearing in the SE?]
[1:23:18][@bardmode][What would your ideal game programming language look like?]
[1:23:36][@sssmcgrath][Have you seen this video on Ubi's Rayman 2D animation editor?[ref
    page="How Rayman Legends Is Made!"
[1:24:25][@soysaucethekid][Will the animation function eventually be moved out so other entities can use them?]
[1:24:30][@gasto5][s it recommendable to mix vector and raster graphics for a game?]
[1:24:46][@jessem3y3r][David Rosen at Wolfire had a GDC talk on procedural animation. Have you seen it? If so, thoughts? \[see Resources: Wolfire Blog\]]
[1:26:54][@shownun][How close is humanity to programming a facsimile of our universe?]
[1:27:03][@cubercaleb][What do you have to say about the researchers that claim that java can be faster than C++ at times?]
[1:28:33][@sssmcgrath][It's pretty great. Also, re: metaprogramming, did you see Per Vognsen's btree metaprogramming thingy? Apparently it copies Jeff Roberts' AVL-tree configurability scheme]
[1:28:47][@omnitechnomancer][Runescape is a browser based MMO]
[1:30:41][@dudeinbasement1][Q: Minecraft was ported to C++ I thought]
[1:31:09][@cubercaleb][The win10 edition is C++]
[1:31:44][Wrap it up][:speech]