[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Constructing a Camera Easing Function" vod_platform=youtube id=bOJC2uiBBJM annotator=Miblo] [0:00][Set up to work on :camera functionality][:run] [5:27][Meaningful Fog and AlphaClip parameters][:camera :speech] [9:18][Fading floors and moving the :camera][:blackboard] [11:52][Return from OBS crash][:admin] [13:15][Defining our :camera clipping boundaries][:blackboard] [14:02][Reacquaint ourselves with the fogging and alpha clipping code in CompileZBiasProgram()][:camera :hardware :rendering :research] [18:28][Parameterising our fogging and alpha clipping][:blackboard] [19:13][Augment game_camera with ExpectedFloorAtZ on which to base our fog and alpha clip parameters][:camera] [25:47][Check out our heavily fogged orphanage][:camera :run] [26:55][Augment game_state with Alpha and Fog parameters for our in-game :camera editor to use][:ui] [35:20][Try out our new fog and alpha controls][:camera :run :ui] [35:47][Move the Alpha and Fog from game_state into game_mode_world, and add ExpectedFloorZ to our :UI][:camera] [41:49][Try out our :camera editor :UI][:run] [43:41][Swap AlphaMax and AlphaMin in UpdateAndRenderWorld()][:camera] [44:10][See that the alpha fade is being applied in :camera space, not world space][:run] [44:42][Rename FogMax and AlphaMax to FogSpan and AlphaSpan respectively][:camera] [46:16][Find that FogMin is not working as expected][:camera :run] [47:17][See how the Fog is computed in CompileZBiasProgram()][:camera :hardware :rendering :research] [49:26][Remove the NearClipPlane from the Alpha computation in SetCameraTransform()][:camera :rendering] [50:06][Continue to investigate our Fog computation in CompileZBiasProgram()][:camera :hardware :rendering :research] [51:11][Fog premultiplied alpha in CompileZBiasProgram()][:camera :hardware :rendering :research] [54:37][Make CompileZBiasProgram() correctly blend the fog using premultipled alpha][:camera :hardware :rendering] [55:08][][:speech][quote 641] [55:16][Hit our "Shader validation failed" assertion in OpenGLCreateProgram()][:hardware :rendering :run] [55:26][Fix CompileZBiasProgram() to only multiply in the alpha in the Lerp() call][:hardware :rendering] [55:41][Adjust our fogging parameters to try and make sense of them][:camera :run] [59:06][Bracketing the alpha clip and fogging to contain the player][:blackboard :camera] [59:44][Expand our notion of :camera focus in game_camera to represent a range, for UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() to set] [1:06:08][Find that our ExpectedFloorMinZ is not as expected][:camera :run] [1:08:10][Fix the EntityFocusZ computation in UpdateCameraForEntityMovement()][:camera] [1:08:37][Find that the bracket is set correctly, but the alpha is wrong][:camera :run] [1:09:12][Fix the FocusMinZ and FocusMaxZ computations in UpdateAndRenderWorld()][:camera] [1:09:23][Find that our AlphaClip and Fog bracket works beautifully][:camera :run] [1:09:51][Proactive :camera interpolation][:speech] [1:13:02][Interpolation functions][:blackboard :mathematics] [1:15:16][Position our hero in her bedroom][:"procedural generation"] [1:16:37][Traverse the orphanage between rooms][:run] [1:16:59][Change the :camera only to interpolate positions when we change rooms][:mathematics] [1:18:28][Traverse the orphanage to trigger :camera interpolation][:mathematics :run] [1:19:32][Make UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() trigger :camera interpolation, keeping track of the FromP and TargetP, and using a tInterpolation value][:mathematics] [1:22:22][Find that our :camera interpolation is linear][:mathematics :run] [1:22:41][Make UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() use the Square function to interpolate the :camera][:mathematics] [1:23:43][Check out our Squared :camera interpolation][:mathematics :run] [1:23:53][Make UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() use the SquareRoot function to interpolate the :camera][:mathematics] [1:24:02][Check out our Square rooted :camera interpolation][:mathematics :run] [1:24:37][Interpolation functions[ref site=Desmos page="Graphic Calculator" url=https://www.desmos.com/calculator]][:mathematics :research] [1:30:00][Understanding rates of change, and polynomials[ref site=Desmos page="Graphic Calculator" url=https://www.desmos.com/calculator]][:mathematics :research] [1:37:39][Shaping our desired interpolation curve[ref site=Desmos page="Graphic Calculator" url=https://www.desmos.com/calculator]][:mathematics :research] [1:40:02][Bezier curves][:blackboard :mathematics] [1:51:17][Plug our derivatives into Desmos[ref site=Desmos page="Graphic Calculator" url=https://www.desmos.com/calculator]][:mathematics :research] [1:54:35][Make UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() interpolate the :camera using our ease-in-ease-out function][:mathematics] [1:55:43][Check out our :camera interpolation][:mathematics :run] [1:56:32][Q&A][:speech] [1:57:13][@xxthebigfoxx][Q: The site actually had support for variables. It was giving you a slider to edit the values][:mathematics] [1:57:30][Try to use variables in a Desmos function[ref site=Desmos page="Graphic Calculator" url=https://www.desmos.com/calculator]][:mathematics :research] [2:01:09][@pythno][Q: Could we also describe the easy-in / -out via a sine function?][:mathematics] [2:01:46][@garethhubball][Q: I noticed that you used t*t*t for t cubed. Does C have support for something like t**3 for exponents?][:language] [2:03:03][@areriff][Q: Have you tested the new transition going up and down the stairs?][:camera :mathematics] [2:04:21][@abarishu][Q: By setting the u and v values to negative, you can get things like "overshoot" where the :camera goes over and then corrects back. I don't think it will be a good feel in [~hero Handmade Hero]'s case, but for some cases that is really good][:mathematics] [2:04:29][Try making UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() interpolate the :camera using an overshooting function[ref site=Desmos page="Graphic Calculator" url=https://www.desmos.com/calculator]][:mathematics] [2:07:50][Check out our overshooting :camera][:run] [2:08:38][Revert UpdateCameraForEntityMovement() to perform an ease-in-ease-out :camera interpolation][:mathematics] [2:09:17][Save our Desmos curve[ref site=Desmos page="Graphic Calculator" url=https://www.desmos.com/calculator/wse2o5kqpl]][:research] [2:11:38][It's been a pleasure][:speech] [/video]