[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Making Updates Conditional" vod_platform=youtube id=lnnb49-FYqU annotator=schme annotator=jpike] [1:30][Reviewing the 'apron' idea for update regions] [11:04][Adding Updatable bool to sim_entity] [12:38][Setting Updatable bool in AddEntity] [15:21][Checking Updatable bool in simulation update] [16:26][Setting different bounds for sim_region (UpdatableBounds and Bounds)] [21:48][Does the sword still work? - No] [23:05][Bug - Not setting positions properly when loading entities from references] [26:53][Fixing updating of Familiar] [28:26][Removing non-spatial flag check for sword] [29:56][How to update MoveEntity for more advanced collision effects?] [33:44][Review of iterative movement] [35:12][How to have collision responses within iterative movement?] [35:46][Discussion of callbacks for handling collisions] [42:03][Alternative #1 to callbacks - how to break up MoveEntity] [43:57][Alternative #2 to callbacks - set acceleration and delay calling MoveEntity] [46:23][Implementing alternative #2] [51:12][Bug fixing - MoveEntity shouldn't be called for non-moving or non-spatial entities] [53:27][The sword shouldn't be moving forever...] [55:34][Q&A][:speech] [56:42][How will collision be done with moving backgrounds? Such as mazes and moving tiles? Or that won't be in this game?] [59:36][Why don't we use .c instead of .cpp?] [1:00:03][When you started with enums, why did you start with (1 << 1) instead of (1 << 0?)] [1:00:26][How big are the source files getting? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the size yet?] [1:01:55][What happens when you somehow glitch through a wall? Will the game crash?] [1:02:47][How many lines have you written so far?] [1:03:12][In what situation would you prefer callbacks to a huge switch-case block?] [1:07:40][Do we load and draw everything manually to a DIB section, then blit the final image?] [1:08:15][After you mentioned the 'do all collisions at one time' thing, it seems like in addition to being greatly easier to implement, it also matches the real-world better, like summing all the forces to get the net direction. Why would anyone every want to do an update function for each object?] [1:09:42][I \[Jonathan Blow\] use cloc to count lines. It is pretty decent.] [1:12:06][Besides the bits that are obviously tacked on, would you consider the Windows GUI a good API?] [1:13:40][I guess I should have asked how big it has to get for you to start feeling overwhelmed.] [1:14:29][How'd you decide on this order to build up the engine? Was it intuition or experience?] [1:19:09][Speaking of UML and diagrams, do you ever use class schematics for code planning?] [1:19:42][Don't you need to be able to enumerate every possibility in order to use a switch statement? What if you wanted to make a system that can be extended?] [1:21:33][Why use switch statements instead of just big if-else blocks?] [1:21:54][Will the way in which collisions are handled be order-independent?] [1:22:56][Is it better to debug as you go or towards the end of a programming cycle?] [1:25:05][Actually you want to pass --no3, otherwise it \[cloc\] is lying about the number of lines - it is dumb.] [1:26:39][Will the game have multiplayer and/or co-op?] [/video]