[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Finishing Sort Acceleration via Gridding" vod_platform=youtube id=maQL_OmS-kM annotator=Miblo] [0:09][Recap and set the stage for the day] [1:43][win32_handmade.cpp: Toggle on GlobalShowSortGroups, run the game and view those graphs] [3:59][handmade_render.cpp: Accelerate BuildSpriteGraph() by making it loop through everything in each grid cell when we do an insertion] [8:45][Run the game and see how our ACCELERATED_SPRITE_SORT fares] [10:08][handmade_render.h: Increase the resolution of the SORT_GRID, run the game and see how this affects the speed of BuildSpriteGraph()] [12:00][build.bat: Temporarily switch to -O2, run the game and see that this drastically improves the speed of BuildSpriteGraph()] [12:55][handmade_render.cpp: Pass NoClear() to the PushStruct() calls in BuildSpriteGraph()] [15:14][Run the game and consider the possibility that we may be checking things multiple times] [17:29][Blackboard: How the grid partitioning makes us check things multiple times] [19:19][Blackboard: Our two options for avoiding this] [20:34][Consider how to tag the sprites as having been touched] [22:53][handmade_render.h: Move the existing flags in the sprite_flag enum into the high bits and add Sprite_IndexMask] [25:11][handmade_render.cpp: Make BuildSpriteGraph() & the B->Flags with Sprite_IndexMask] [27:04][Run the game and see that the cycles are much rarer] [27:34][Explain what just happened] [29:12][win32_handmade.cpp: Toggle GlobalShowSortGroups off, run the game and see how our changes have affected the speed of BuildSpriteGraph()] [31:26][Blackboard: Manual Sort Override] [37:28][Blackboard: Edges Added Manually] [39:54][Blackboard: Specifying Sprites to be Drawn as a Group] [42:40][handmade_render.h: Consider adding a Count to the sort_sprite_bound struct] [44:32][handmade_render_group.h: Try adding a NextOffset to the render_group_entry_header struct] [46:38][handmade_opengl.cpp: Make OpenGLRenderCommands() daisy-chain the render entries] [49:57][Run the game, demo a sorting situation we need to resolve and consider how to resolve it] [53:00][Blackboard: Why put the daisy-chaining into the actual sorting system] [55:21][handmade_render_group.cpp: Provisionally make PushRenderElement_() only sort a NewElement, otherwise merge the Existing entry] [1:01:23][Compile and run properly] [1:01:34][Q&A][:speech] [1:02:07][@Miblo][Thanks to the grid partitioning, do we now have a convenient way of doing the graph sort in SIMD, possibly processing four grid squares, or four sprites within a square, at once? Or is it not quite that simple?] [1:05:38][@themikedx][With regards to the flags and the order checking, if you are &ing the flags with the id, to test if you have seen it before, what happens when another item does the same check and &s it with the same (changed) unit? Doesn't that make the result different to the check flags & mask = id for the new item? Did I miss something (or did you & the flags with the mask before you set the id to clear it (the old id) first?] [1:06:59][Blackboard: How the Flags and the Sprite_IndexMask is working] [1:09:37][handmade_render.cpp: Streamline BuildSpriteGraph() a touch] [1:13:39][@goodpau6][Will we ever do any network programming on Handmade Hero (i.e. multiplayer)?] [1:14:08][@bryanwwag][I love how you said "we don't want to solve this with hacks" for a particular sorting condition. Do you think the engine should cover most / all boundary conditions or is there room for "boundary hacks" in certain / extreme circumstances?] [1:14:53][Blackboard: On not having the necessary information to do a correct sort in 2D] [1:17:45][Close down][:speech] [/video]