[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Running Multiple Sim Regions" vod_platform=youtube id=Q3DtXQGTles annotator=Miblo] [0:14][Recap and set the stage for the day] [1:42][Run the game and consider the plan for implementing multiple sim regions] [5:47][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Consider how the UpdateAndRender*() functions are currently operating, and whether or not to split them up] [11:24][handmade_brain.cpp: Look into why RenderGroup gets passed down to the brain] [12:45][handmade_brain.cpp: Prevent ExecuteBrain() from setting AlwaysBehind and AlwaysInFrontOf, and run the game to see how the body and head are sorted] [14:21][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Carve off the rendering code in UpdateAndRenderSimRegion() and determine which of its arguments may be optional] [21:31][handmade_entity.cpp: Do that same process for UpdateAndRenderEntities()] [26:10][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Run the game, then toggle off the rendering in UpdateAndRenderWorld()] [27:05][handmade_brain.cpp: Make ExecuteBrain() only run the controller code if it has an Input] [30:34][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderSimRegion() only process the mouse if it has Input] [32:41][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderWorld() call UpdateAndRenderSimRegion() twice, run the game and see what happens] [35:38][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderWorld() do an UpdateAndRenderSimRegion() on a second region] [36:58][Run the game and zoom out to see two regions being simulated] [38:16][Q&A][:speech] [39:28][@f1aw][Did you make that debug UI yourself?] [40:12][@nyeecola][Have you thought about refactoring your "brain" code to make use of virtual methods? Switch statements on "type" is basically replicating the type system and is a bit of a code smell] [44:16][@montify][Do you use keyboard only at your day job? Are you faster without the mouse?] [44:58][@nxsy][I missed the reason the two areas on the screen are discontinuous. Are these two sim regions of a larger world?] [45:26][Run the game in -O2 and traverse the world towards the other sim region] [47:42][@longboolean][What do you think about changing float values in the debug system by the distance you drag? Example: longer drag distance == bigger increments / decrements of the value, shorter drag distance == smaller increment / decrements] [49:04][@nambitable][Couldn't you use CMake to generate visual studio solutions for windows?] [50:36][@septumtesseract][What books do you recommend for C programming?] [51:41][@soysaucethekid][How about for learning OpenGL?[ref site="Arc Synthesis" page="Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming" url="https://bitbucket.org/alfonse/gltut/wiki/Home"]] [53:40][Plug Nsight[ref site="NVIDIA" page="Nsight" url="http://www.nvidia.com/object/nsight.html"]][:research] [55:56][@dandymcgee]["RenderDoc" is a pretty amazing tool, and I've found it to be more compatible than Nsight[ref site="GitHub" page="RenderDoc" url="https://github.com/baldurk/renderdoc"]] [57:06][Wind it down][:speech] [58:06][Announcement: A potential change in the format][:speech] [/video]