[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=chat title="Asset Files and Installers" vod_platform=youtube id=nKkQHa8yOe4 annotator=Miblo] [0:43][@trevnewt][What are the pros and cons of "baking" assets like images into your executable, rather than shipping them separately and loading them dynamically?] [1:16][Blackboard: The difference between storing assets in vs separately from an executable] [4:29][Blackboard: Packed files vs Separate files] [8:35][@drayka_][Once you return to coding episode streams, would you recommend new followers tune in, even though they haven't caught up with everything in the archive?] [9:13][@insofaras][I meant using the built in windows voice recognition stuff to program Handmade Hero] [9:29][@cubercaleb][Do you think you could create an in depth video / post on IOCP at some point in the near future? I am having a bit of trouble understanding their amazing-ness] [9:54][@Elxenoaizd][Good evening Sensei! I hope your hand is feeling better today! I salute your positiveness in handling the situation. I would totally freak out if that happens to me, without programming I'm practically useless] [11:34][@dangalf_][After fiction technology, what are some candidates for another problem / project worth your time?] [12:10][@pragmascrypt][Will there ever be good realtime global illumination] [12:56][@protongaming][Why are companies so hard with junior developers in the interview process. Make it very difficult for inexperienced coders to get a job] [13:44][@x13pixels][Is Martins still putting the videos up on BitTorrent Sync?] [14:28][@ejunkie64][You could try something like chi gung (Chinese health exercise) which could help with RSI and creating a good posture. Just a thought] [14:59][@remurr][Do you ever wonder if a game you're playing will turn into Frog Fractions 2 with a crazy twist? I find myself wondering this often] [15:10][@ingenero][For some reason I remember you saying there were changes coming to the handmadehero.org forums. Did I remember correctly, and do you have any updates on the current status?] [16:09][@danyguag][What is that Intel Architecture thing on your desktop?[ref site=Intel page="Intel Intrinsics Guide" url=https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/IntrinsicsGuide/]] [19:00][@garlandobloom][Q: Have you ever been to GDC?] [19:31][@garlandobloom][Q: Why is audio such a disaster even on windows?] [20:21][@cubercaleb][Don't installer programs typically bake information about the program they are installing into the exe? Is that how installers are typically done on the Windows?] [20:44][Blackboard: Making an installer] [24:33][@nightbasilisk][Is making an interesting "game AI" considered a very hard problem or are people just lazy? I see most games come with terrible AI these days; why does it seem we're going backwards?] [25:21][@garlandobloom][Is there any difference between exe installers and msi installers?] [26:27][@raley91][I'm no doctor but couldn't be that the wrist braces you use are actually making your muscles in that part weaker?] [27:26][@garryjohanson][Possibly too big of a question, but is there an ideal known strategy to make a natural language processing system, e.g. you type English and that parses into actions then enacted by your program?] [28:57][@garryjohanson][We could do an experiment where you tell us what to make and you review?] [29:22][@sssmcgrath][Have you spoken to Chris Crawford about IF?] [30:05][@imminent_threat][How would you describe your learning curve over your decades of programming experience? For me, no matter how long I do something, I always seem to look back to where I was a year before, and feel like that was a much less competent version of myself] [31:48][@insofaras][Have you played Starship Titanic? I thought that had quite a cool interactive conversation thing, especially for a 1998 game] [32:16][@elxenoaizd][Related to the question about embedded resources vs external ones: I had an idea of using a meta program to load a model during a preprocessor step and spits out the code that assigns the vertices values directly to an array, i.e. void LoadModel(v3 *Vertices) { Vertices\[0\].x = ...; Vertices\[0\].y = ....; } etc. Do you think that's useful in any way?] [33:44][@cvaucher][Might be jumping the gun since we haven't gotten to shaders, but I'm having trouble with them in my renderer. Am I supposed to save the attributes and shader programs across draw calls, or reinitialize each time? Seems like you went to a lot of trouble to remove the transient arena from the OpenGL renderer so things can't be pushed from there] [35:43][@thesizik][What PDF reader is that?] [35:57][@elxenoaizd][Why is it in C++ that people always like and do many compilation units, one for each .cpp file? Is it just because it's how visual studio build works?] [37:14][@cubercaleb][Won't Anti-Viruses get finicky with you writing to the end of an exe? Doesn't that also break code signing?] [38:15][@cubercaleb][Is it practical to roll your own C runtime? From what I have gathered there seems to be a lot of problems with that sort of thing. Of course M$ has the audacity to ship incompatible versions of the CRT on different versions of Windows. Any workarounds for this?] [38:55][@boondoggle42][Have you considered guest programmers for the interim?] [39:31][That's it for tonight] [/video]