[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Moving Between Tile Maps" vod_platform=youtube id=J7suWih0ITQ  annotator=schme annotator=theinternetftw]
[6:36][About the process of writing code; Messy first, clean after]
[7:58][Passing information about tilemap]
[10:47][Checking if player is moving to a different tilemap]
[12:51][Finding the next tilemap and querying the point]
[36:07][Calculating the position in the new tilemap]
[42:55][Storing X and Y positions relative to the tile]
[56:07][Moving the player on to the new tilemap]
[1:00:49][Floor instead of truncate]
[1:11:52][Question: Can you talk about the inline keyword? Do you apply any strategies to make sure the compiler does not ignore the request?]
[1:13:13][Question: Are we using C or C++?]
[1:14:47][Question: How did we start the code for the game?]
[1:15:07][Question: What's so bad about including math.h?]
[1:15:54][Question: Why not substract 1 if input is under 0, instead of using floor()?]
[1:17:09][Question: I thought integers were faster to compute than floats, even if the cpu has a floating-point unit.]
[1:19:43][Question: How do you decide when to pack things in a struct?]
[1:27:28][Question: Why would we care about screen coordinates? Isn't that just platform code.]
[1:29:26][Question: Are you going to make walls obstruct the player the same way the player currently obstructs the walls?]
[1:30:17][Question: Can you explain the raw_position and canonical_position again?]
[1:32:16][Question: Instead of checking three points on the player, wouldn't it be better to check only the side the player is moving towards?]
[1:34:39][Question: Why not have a single set of coordinates for the player that maps the player to a world position?]
[1:42:14][Question: Are there any consequences of using inline in early development, i.e harder debugging?]
[1:43:22][Question: Wouldn't it be better to call the X and Y variables something more descriptive?]
[1:45:52][Question: The game will happen in whole screens without any scrolling or camera movement?]
[1:48:13][Question: Could you explain how pointers/references are working or what you use them for and why?]
[1:49:02][Question: Was there ever a point in your career where you used these unfortunate structure packing practices?]