[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Initializing DirectSound" vod_platform=youtube id=qGC3xiliJW8 annotator=jacebennett annotator=Miblo annotator=theinternetftw] [0:53][Fix: Windows API return values and stubs] [2:29][Fix: XInput on Windows 8] [3:48][Fix: Restore Alt-F4 functionality] [9:21][Bool datatype idiosyncraries] [12:55][Review Alt-F4 fix] [13:55][Foreshadowing an XInput performance issue] [16:44][Intro to sound programming for games] [23:55][Initializing DirectSound Overview] [27:03][Load the library] [32:00][Create a DirectSound Object] [33:54][Configuring the DirectSound Object] [38:04][Creating and Configuring the Primary Buffer] [51:36][Creating and Configuring the Secondary Buffer] [56:38][Let's try it] [1:00:46][Final Thoughts] [1:02:05][Q&A] [1:04:05][Fixing WaveFormat order] [1:06:07][Do you use data-structures like linked-list, binary trees..?] [1:06:34][Can you explain again why you need two buffers instead of just doing everything in one?] [1:09:23][Are there any case we'd want more than two \[audio\] channels?] [1:11:05][If the framerate would ever drop, can there be audio dropouts?] [1:13:41][The nBlockAlign and nAverageBytesPerSecond are redundant.] [1:14:57][On Linux will we be doing ALSA or higher level like PulseAudio/Jack?] [1:16:00][What newer sound API would you recommend instead of old DirectSound?] [1:16:46][The two second buffer doesn't sound acceptable / not-noticeable if you're playing music.] [1:17:27][Have or do you work in the industry?] [1:17:54][Have you thought about guest programmers tagging in to teach things like linux or whatever topic is their expertise?] [1:18:35][VirtualAlloc: MEM_COMMIT to MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT] [1:20:23][About game development as a career field] [1:22:57][Will you show us how to use bone animations or will you use spritesheets?] [1:24:15][More on our usage of DirectSound (Not a buffer)] [1:25:33][About game programming optimisation] [1:27:56][Why don't we use the second buffer to grab the handle instead of creating something just to grab a handle?] [1:29:26][Isn't this learning how to carve stone with chisel instead of using modern machinery?] [/video]