[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Setting Up the Windows Build - Q&A" vod_platform=youtube id=uxbJo5DDpWY annotator=jacebennett annotator=Miblo]
[0:35][Could you show how you added the Handmade Hero directory to the path?]
[3:44][Do all Windows programs written in C/C++ use WinMain? Does The Witness have the same started code?]
[4:48][What is the difference between Microsoft's compiler and gcc?]
[6:27][What type of milk are you drinking?]
[6:33][How do you write a renderer that is hardware accelerated?]
[6:46][Can we get your .emacs file? Do you always code without line numbers?]
[6:59][Will there be a sushi bar in Handmade Hero?]
[7:03][*Question regarding the linker and IDE*]
[8:16][Is there a reason you didn't use the developer command line shortcuts?]
[9:21][How much experience do you have audio processing code?]
[9:33][*Asking whether we'll be setting up things in the Mac OS and Linux environment as well*]
[9:45][Will it be a 2D or 3D game?]
[10:26][2-hour streams?]
[10:37][What style of game are you making? ETA for the game?]
[11:08][Will the game be Windows-only?]
[11:30][Will you do extended live streams?]
[11:56][Can you show the command line parameters that you set in the shortcut?]
[13:25][What is your favorite Linux distro?]
[13:52][Will I be able to follow you just using VS 2013 Community Edition?]
[15:04][Will the game have multiplayer?]
[16:02][Can you please remove the parentheses in return(0);]
[16:11][When can we get some details on the actual game?]
[16:31][Why don't you just compile directly in Visual Studio?]
[17:26][How does it feel having more than 700 viewers on the stream?]
[19:18][*Question regarding command line and the visual debugger*]
[21:29][What GDB frontend do you use on Linux?]
[21:35][What did yo uwork on while working on Bink video?]
[24:00][Will you look at the chat for viewer answers while you work?]
[24:07][*Request to do 5-hour streams*]
[25:12][Is there a design document?]
[26:37][Are we able to open source our own implementations?]
[27:23][Fixed point or floating point For the audio representation in the game?]
[27:30][*Comment about the C/C++ specification*]
[28:01][Are you staying on Windows for the bulk of the show?]
[29:31][Do you have *everything* planned?]
[30:00][Why don't you run Windows 8.1?]
[31:18][*Comment that mentions the Doom 3 source code*]
[31:31][*Comment about getting an intern*]
[32:00][*Question regarding Twitch quality settings*]
[32:27][Any chance you could stream earlier?]
[33:25][Will you have an actual repo for the project?]
[33:53][Which better-debugger Linux projects are you looking forward to?]
[34:17][Windows 7 doesn't support AVX2.]
[34:42][*Question regarding repo again (answered in 33:25)*]
[35:04][Did you consider doing a Kickstarter for this series?]
[37:43][*Remark about Twitch stream quality*]
[37:55][*Almond milk powerup confirmed*]
[38:15][*Setting up a poll to decide best time to stream on Fridays*]
[38:40][What do you think about learning math concepts on Wikipedia?]
[39:25][*C++ interfacint with API that deals with a dedicated graphics card*]
[39:40][*We are all excited that you're doing this in C*]
[40:11][*Another Kickstarter comment*]
[40:46][*Remark about having a 3D sequel*]
[41:56][Would you consider dropping the framerate/]
[42:16][*Wrist glove powerup NOT confirmed*]
[42:30][Could you recommend some good books? Tutorials?]
[43:35][*Clearing up confusion with C++ structs (related: 52:35)*]
[45:44][*How we'll transition to take advantage of hardware acceleration*]
[46:10][Can you make constructors in C++ structs?]
[46:29][*Yet another Kickstarter comment*]
[47:32][Are you planning to have descriptive names for the Youtube archive videos?]
[48:00][*30 FPS game confirmed*]
[48:13][What's up with the Handmade Hero icon on the Twitch page?]
[48:24][*Benefits of learning things from scratch*]
[50:35][Will you ditch the #include <Windows.h>?]
[50:44][How often do you use the debugger?]
[51:02][Why do you scope the for-loop the way you do? (Muratori For Syntax)]
[51:31][*Micro-transactions are all the rage. Suggestion to use them*]
[52:20][Will there be an option to pre-order as a gift for a friend?]
[52:35][*Difference between C and C++ structs*]
[53:12][*Suggestion on putting a green screen behind Casey*]
[53:21][Will sound effects be implemented right away?]
[53:46][*Twitch partnership is a possibility (?)*]
[54:06][How do you plan to design a good game?]
[56:50][Why start from scratch?]
[1:02:10][Set up an official forum?]
[1:04:02][Why not code in just pure C or pure C++?]
[1:06:30][Is there a game dev company you really admire?]
[1:08:17][Where do most of your audience come from?]
[1:10:28][SDL or SFML?]
[1:10:54][*Closing Remarks*]