[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Instantaneous Live Code Editing" vod_platform=youtube id=oijEnriqqcs annotator=dspecht annotator=jacebennett annotator=Miblo annotator=theinternetftw]
[2:30][Recap, and cleaning up DLL creation code]
[7:25][Trying to set the name of the .pdb file]
[9:35][PDBPATH and setting the name of the .pdb file for handmade.cpp]
[15:10][Found the command, now Setting random file name with %date% and some crazy batch syntax]
[19:00][making DEL less intrusive, by piping output to a file]
[24:00][making the reload of the .dll faster]
[35:00][Compare File Times]
[39:49][Finding the the dir of the executable so we can find the .dll]
[50:25][String Processing Code]
[1:02:24][Question: How do you manage to time your coding so perfectly]
[1:02:34][Question: You mentioned yesterday you had something from a previous days but never did]
[1:03:31][Question: Will this capability be in the shipping game or will it only be for debuging]
[1:04:15][Question: Does the reload of the dll reset the game]
[1:05:07][Question: How much time have you spent planning this game prior to even starting on day 001]
[1:06:43][Question: Are you building the game in two sections, Games layer and a Platform layer]
[1:07:21][Question: Since DLL's are not on linux or OSX how will we handle automatic reloading of the code]
[1:08:13][Question: Why don't you use dynamic buffer allocation]
[1:09:09][Question: You said that you are going to show us how to make a game well, what qualifications do you have for that]
[1:11:16][Question: Could you expain your method of compressed programing in writing]
[1:12:42][Question: When findFirstFile is called does windows actually read anything from disk]
[1:13:06][Question: One way to abuse the fact that the game is in a seperate dll is to open the game part up to modders and modders tools]
[1:14:03][Question: One common theme in the series so far is that you should not clearn up OS memory on shutdown but OS objects will possibly need to be cleaned up on DLL reload? correct?]
[1:17:09][Question: Are we going to see the process of designing the game]
[1:20:31][Question: Can you give some examples of code that won't play nice with the dynamic code reloading]
[1:22:39][Question: Do you have any opinion on lua for a scripting language, config loading]
[1:24:09][Question: Do you think this method of hot reloading of the code can be used in other types of software other then a game]
[1:25:01][Question: Do you think there is a case for DSLs instead of using C]
[1:26:20][Question: One benefit of lua is that you don't have to recompile]
[1:26:45][Question: Is the game engine going to be generic or custom to this game]
[1:28:16][Question: Do I recommend C over C++]