[video member=miotatsu stream_platform=twitch project=riscy title="Programming the HiFive1" vod_platform=youtube id=Y0m1sW2oQVY annotator=Miblo] [0:06][Recap and set the stage for the day] [1:32][Begin to acquaint ourselves with the demo code from the Freedom E SDK] [2:47][Take a look at plic_driver.h and .c] [13:26][Return to demo_gpio.c] [25:28][@miblo][Are there two stages to the interrupt: claim_interrupt() and actual_interrupt() or whatever?] [25:46][@miblo][So both of them do 1.5 seconds which add up to 3?] [27:24][Determine to try uploading this demo program to the HiFive1] [28:02][I am grounded once again][quote 9] [29:24][Connect to the HiFive1 and try uploading demo_gpio] [32:20][Compile demo_gpio and try uploading that] [33:56][@miblo][@miotatsu: PROGAM is misspelled] [34:50][Reconnect to the HiFive1 and try out the demo] [37:09][@miblo][I mean, surely that missing R can't have made it partially succeed...] [37:30][Try killing screen and reconnecting to it] [38:15][Tweak hello.c, compile and hit an error] [42:35][Try modifying demo_gpio.c instead] [50:16][@miblo][You could just do: $^v}A\\n\\] [50:47][@quartertron][You could just do \@a then hold down \@ until you get where you wanna be] [51:39][Rebuild demo_gpio and upload it] [52:16][Congratulate @Miblo for being the first person to be slammed a thunderous high-five by the HiFive1] [52:58][This is all we have time for today] [/video]