[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Card-like Normal Map Reflections" vod_platform=youtube id=-LWk-TVfGTk annotator=dspecht annotator=Miblo] [1:23][Recap the bug] [3:09][Blackboard: Sprite cards and casting directions] [10:04][Take a look at the offending notion in handmade_render_group.cpp] [12:01][Base DistanceFromMapInZ on HeightOfCard] [13:49][Blackboard: Figuring out the height offset for the cast] [16:36][Calculate ZDiff] [18:41][Turn DistanceFromMapInZ into a more sane equation] [20:36][Initialise values] [22:48][Position the EnvMaps] [23:46][Take a look in-game] [24:49][Disable the sampling debug visualisations for now and check out the reflections] [26:06][Setup EnvMaps values for testing] [27:39][Set the Origin to the middle for FixedCastY] [28:33][Set ScreenSpaceUV to 0.5f, 0.5f and investigate the warping reflections] [35:00][Alpha out the area around the sphere] [40:05][View our sphere and verify that our BounceDirection is not changing] [40:41][Consider what else may plausibly be changing] [42:10][Blackboard: Coordinate system considerations] [42:59][Set OriginY in order to pass it to ZDiff] [44:06][Turn off the sampling overdraw and darken the sphere] [44:59][Check out our stable sphere and allow it to move around again] [46:34][Q&A] [47:08][@d7samurai][The reflection is "inverted" - the edge should be the center and vice versa] [47:13][@@garlandobloom][Q: Reflection I think is backwards, at least vertically] [47:53][@teknorath][How long do you anticipate it will take before we get into more game-designey type topics rather than building up the engine?] [48:39][@stelar7][There are 12 mins left of normal stream time!] [49:10][Investigate the sphere's apparently inverted reflection] [53:13][Blackboard: Accentuating tFarMap's falloff by squaring it] [55:27][@d7samurai][My guess is that the normals at the edges are now pointing "straight up" while the normals at the center are pointing "sideways"] [56:32][@@garlandobloom][Q: Move it and then it looks wrong] [57:49][@lincomberg][Where are the walls relative to the sphere? If it's above it as in out of the screen, then it's wrong] [1:01:33][@@garlandobloom][Q: Reflect Casey face] [1:01:49][@stelar7][It feels like the red and blue should swap places] [1:02:05][@naikrovek][Can you make the checkerboard a bit tighter? I think the problem, if any, will show up better if there are more color transitions] [1:03:17][@andsz_][Do you only want to support standing cards and lying cards, or also any other angle?] [1:04:19][@grumpygiant256][I think part of the problem is that it might not be 'sitting' on the floor properly] [1:09:14][Casey is happy, considering the software renderer] [1:10:52][@miblo][Isn't this with optimisations on?] [1:11:57][@lauripoika][This is not threaded yet?] [1:12:28][Kill it for today and glimpse into the future] [1:13:07][The green dude is tough][quote 68] [1:15:27][@ttbjm][What about Fresnel!!!] [1:16:45][Wrap it up for today] [/video]