[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="World Scaling" vod_platform=youtube id=UCTcu8vJ92c annotator=dspecht annotator=Miblo] [2:43][Recap our current situation] [5:00][Take a look in handmade_render_group.cpp] [5:58][Render bitmaps using the DrawRectangleSlowly function] [7:18][Call through the slow path?] [8:44][Check it out in-game, considering how unoptimised the code is] [11:50][Blackboard: Scaling] [15:23][Blackboard: Intermediate buffering] [16:54][Blackboard: The stupid way][quote 73] [17:28][Temporarily set the arrow keys to move the camera up and down] [22:18][Reduce the ZFudge factor] [23:14][See that the positions are being scaled, and go ahead and scale the size] [25:45][Check out the scaling in-game and note a bug with the tree popping] [27:03][Give the ground chunks a ZOffset] [28:21][Blackboard: Preventing leaning] [28:56][Do a Basis push for the GroundBuffer] [30:07][We're close, but things scale counter to each other] [31:41][Turn off the ground chunks and the debug rectangles, for now] [32:38][Take a good look at what's happening in-game] [34:42][Scale around ScreenCenter] [36:12][Moment of realisation: The EntityBasis->Offset.xy is currently incorrect] [38:09][Blackboard: How that Offset currently works] [38:42][Multiply the Offset by the ZFudge] [39:35][Check it out in-game and turn the ground chunks back on] [41:27][Show some problems with alpha fading] [45:43][Blackboard: Render buffers] [46:57][Turn off the ground buffer rendering and turn on multiple world layers] [48:00][Tweak the ZFudge] [48:51][Turn the ground buffers off entirely] [49:23][Consider the weird notion of Y-displacement for Z] [50:50][Set GlobalAlpha to 0 and try turning off that Y-displacement] [53:50][We want Z-slices] [57:11][Q&A] [57:40][@pseudonym73][Did I see that correctly, that the ground shadow jumps along with the hero?] [58:17][@ifingerbangedurcat][Slightly off topic but, can you quickly go over the concept behind MoveSpec? Why not have every entity have their own velocity/drag, etc. values instead? Just for organization?] [59:06][@mr4thdimention][Is the jump a real mechanic or just for making the system robust?] [59:29][@nicstop][Why don't you pre-compose hero bitmaps into a single bitmap at initialization, so there would not be fussing with pushing pieces?] [1:00:12][@robotchocolatedino][When you are walking up a staircase, will the character suddenly snap back on Y when you transition to the next Z slice?] [1:00:54][@rsxole][If I'm not mistaken, with your way of Z-scaling it's going to be hard to support large (in Z) structures such as tall walls that should be aligned across different Z levels, no? Imagine a multi story house or so] [1:02:22][@cubercaleb][If there are going to be pits/ledges in the game, how are you going to render those?] [1:02:47][@anonymous835][I wonder how the ball would work with the zoom in] [1:05:30][@rohit_n][What games do the "bad" fade-out effect you mentioned?] [1:06:13][@cubercaleb][How will the staircase be scaled when you are moving up and down it?] [1:07:13][insofaras I didn't expect Casey to know of Hatoful Boyfriend] [1:07:18][@@garlandobloom][Everybody knows Hatoful Boyfriend] [1:08:24][@stelar7][Have you seen/heard of "Hunie Pop" then?] [1:09:04][@@abnercoimbre][Q: That's a wrap?] [1:09:35][That is a wrap, Abner] [/video]