[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Asset Processing with Windows Fonts" vod_platform=youtube id=KF0jRm89bRM annotator=Miblo annotator=debiatan] [0:02][Recap and plan for today] [1:43][Reasons for and against using libraries in the asset processor] [4:19][Windows calls to draw fonts] [6:11][GetPixel: Simplest way of getting the rendered font, pixel by pixel] [7:06][CreateCompatibleDC and CreateCompatibleBitmap] [8:46][Defining an alternative code path inside LoadGlyphBitmap to render fonts via Windows calls] [9:51][TextOut: Drawing text to an HDC] [11:21][Creating the device context] [12:20][CreateCompatibleBitmap] [14:00][We are not using the right font yet] [14:23][This is a zygote of a thing][quote 160] [15:14][Finding out space taken by the text] [15:58][GetTextMetrics] [16:48][GetTextExtentPoint32] [18:18][Clearing the background prior to writing the glyph: Patblt] [20:22][SetTextColor] [21:28][Try doing some extraction][quote 161] [21:48][GetPixel: Extraction of the glyph] [23:50][Recap of previous steps] [25:24][Test out this alternative font implementation][quote 162] [25:57][Debugging it] [26:50][No need to debug; Casey remembers the cause of the problem] [27:36][SetBkmode: Setting the background filling behavior] [28:29][Selecting a background brush instead of calling PatBlt] [29:18]['Doopity Doo' by Casey Muratori][quote 163] [29:55][SetDCBrushColor] [30:28][Let's test it] [31:35][Setting the background color with SetBkColor] [32:13][Success!] [32:50][CreateFont: Picking the font] [34:31][AddFontResourceEx: Making the font visible to windows] [37:26][We need to specify the font name] [44:52][We also need to mark the font as active] [45:44][Testing the renderer with a more recognizable font] [46:54][Back to STB font rendering for a minute] [47:52][Resorting to solid alpha to inspect the bounding boxes] [52:54][Scanning the bitmap to get the bounding box of the glyph manually] [57:41][Adding a one-pixel empty border] [59:40][Q&A] [1:00:19][@insofaras][Can the fonts have outlines?] [1:00:43][@gasto5][What did you mean by "backing bitmap"?] [1:03:16][@cubercaleb][I love how stb_truetype is easier and arguably better than the windows api version] [1:03:24][@ThisisAtticus][Vote on the strawpoll!] [1:04:43][@Robrobby][Does windows font have subscript and superscript support and therefore so much overbounding? Also, is the anti-alias only stored in the alpha value by windows? After seeing a pro like you struggle with this API I understand the burden you go through with it, having seen STB yesterday] [1:06:10][@insofaras][To clarify, do we have the ability to create font bitmaps with outlines on the characters that could maybe be colored separately?] [1:07:22][@gasto5][Which one is worse: GDI or DirectInput8?] [1:07:34][@quartertron][Is today a good example of why sometimes using a library is okay?] [1:10:11][@SoysauceTheKid][Would DirectWrite (or ClearType) help out with the anti-aliasing?] [1:10:25][@plain_flavored][Ignore this if you're already doing this, but why not ship the mono bitmap as part of the asset file instead of the much larger RGBA bitmap?] [1:11:56][@@abnercoimbre][Q: People are liking the idea of handmade.dev] [1:12:35][@Robrobby][How often do you regret using a API/lib and back-up writing your own implementation? When you are fast-paced as you maybe this sometimes is better when your knowledge of the problem is sufficient] [1:14:29][@BonusRocket][What GUI toolkit do you recommend?] [1:15:12][@SoysauceTheKid][Would CLEARTYPE_QUALITY instead of ANTIALIASED_QUALITY make a difference?] [1:15:30][Blackboard: LCD pixel elements] [1:17:12][That's all she wrote] [/video]