[video member=miotatsu stream_platform=twitch project=riscy title="Andrew Waterman & Yunsup Lee Interview" vod_platform=youtube id=Df-o29DkqWw guest=/y_lee guest=/a_waterman annotator=Miblo] [0:01][Welcome and introduce Andrew Waterman & Yunsup Lee] [1:07][A highlight reel of life stories before RISC-V] [1:22][Andrew Waterman: Life before RISC-V] [2:46][Yunsup Lee: Life before RISC-V] [4:18][Why decide to create a new ISA?] [4:33][Andrew: On creating a simple basis for performing research] [6:23][Yunsup: On removing complexity in order to enable development by small teams] [7:12][What drew you specifically to RISC?] [7:34][Yunsup: Necessity] [8:39][Andrew: On following RISC I and RISC II] [9:16][What appealed to you about having it be open :hardware?] [9:32][Yunsup: Openness enables understanding and learning] [10:41][Andrew: On finding encouragement in the competition of ideas in the open source community] [12:57][Yunsup: On the potential for open hardware enabling schools to teach what the industry actually uses] [13:36][What are you hoping to see happen in the world of RISC-V?] [13:51][Andrew: A RISC ISA is suitable for many domains of computing, from the lowest to the highest performing computing] [15:15][Yunsup: On the need for customisation with the end of Moore's Law] [16:01][Do you think RISC-V being in anything and everything is an attainable goal, and what markets may RISC-V most thrive in?] [16:24][Andrew: Embedded systems contain all sorts of chips] [17:21][Yunsup: New markets] [18:23][@hossein1387][My question is, considering the huge investment that is currently happening in custom chips for :AI, how do you think SiFive can attract investors in the field of AI to pay more attention to your platform?] [18:50][Yunsup: Customisable chips may well serve machine learning :research][:ai] [20:27][Andrew: Evaluation of neural networks will frequently be done in energy constrained environments] [21:11][Can you tell us a bit about SiFive in terms of what they offer customers?] [21:29][Yunsup: Democratising access to custom silicon][:hardware] [23:07][Andrew: On the expense of building custom chips using a proprietary ISA] [24:46][What are the coolest HiFive1 projects you've seen?] [25:01][Yunsup: Printer controller and Zephyr port] [26:30][Andrew: On the community porting the realtime Zephyr operating system to the HiFive1] [27:12][Will SiFive release products using Freedom Unleashed?] [27:30][Yunsup: Why build the HiFive1 board] [28:22][Andrew: Excitement for a Unix capable RISC-V system coming out relatively soon] [28:41][Any resources to recommend for learning about RISC-V or open :hardware in general?] [28:53][Andrew: The RISC-V User-Level ISA Specification[ref site=RISC-V page="User-Level ISA Specification v2.1" url=https://riscv.org/specifications] and two text books coming out this year based on Computer Organization and Design[ref title="Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition" author="David Patterson & John Hennessy" publisher="Morgan Kaufmann" isbn=9780124077263 url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-organization-and-design-mips-edition/patterson/978-0-12-407726-3] and Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach[ref title="Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" author="John Hennessy & David Patterson" publisher="Morgan Kaufmann" isbn=9780123838728 url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-architecture/hennessy/978-0-12-383872-8]] [29:55][Yunsup: Graduate-level course at Berkeley] [31:25][Andrew: Plug Berkeley's use of RISC-V in the classroom] [32:05][What advice do you have for those looking to get involved in the RISC-V community?] [32:24][Yunsup: If you want to learn how computers work, RISC-V is a good resource] [34:27][Andrew: There's a lot of work to be done on compilers, operating systems, software, microarchitecture, etc] [35:04][@hossein1387][Is there any plan for MOOC (massive online open courses)?] [35:45][Andrew: On Berkeley possibly teaching CS61C as an online course[ref site="University of California, Berkeley" page="Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Machine Structures)" url=http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61c/sp17/]] [35:57][Point out the SiFive Forums as a good resource[ref site="SiFive Forums" url=https://forums.sifive.com/]] [36:12][Andrew: Shout-out to Megan Wachs] [36:35][Give it a minute to see if some questions pop up] [37:38][Suppose that is everything, but wait...] [37:59][@hossein1387][What is your answer to Linus Torvalds when he said ISA is not important and it's the community around ISA that matters?] [38:15][Andrew: On ISAs not mattering, especially in high end computing] [39:28][Yunsup: Why not RISC-V if instruction sets don't matter?] [39:50][Andrew: It takes a village, so if you have resources to help port to RISC-V, pitch in!] [40:03][@miblo][I missed the start, but I was wondering: Do you personally have anything you'd like to see RISC-V users do that isn't necessarily endorsed or endorsable by SiFive?] [40:28][Andrew: The more implementations there are, the better the project will be for everyone] [41:43][Yunsup: It gets stronger the more people look at it] [42:57][That's the end for real] [/video]