[video output=day014 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Platform-independent Game Memory" vod_platform=youtube id=tcENxzeTjbI annotator=jacebennett annotator=Miblo] [0:58][Intro to memory management.] [4:07][We won't be allocating.] [5:17]['Allocation Festivals'] [5:35][Why talk about allocation now?] [7:35][What would 'normally' happen] [11:55][Problem: dynamic allocation spreads managment across code, makes it opaque] [13:18][Problem: allocation is another trip through the platform layer] [15:03][What we will do instead] [17:25][Adding memory to the platform abstraction] [20:41][Initializing with the new model] [21:17][Allocating the memory in the platform] [26:33][Yes, Virginia, memory comes zeroed.] [28:40][Put it where you want it.] [33:33][Debugging: Integral promotion] [36:38][Note that the clear to zero is cheap.] [37:27][Memory? Check.] [40:28][Intro to assertions] [44:33][Avoiding the runtime cost] [45:03][Build options] [48:08][Build options for memory] [50:31][Combining allocations] [51:30][Debugging] [55:07][Mission accomplished.] [56:24][TODO: Pass timing info to game] [58:24][Q&A][:speech] [59:20][Reasoning behind Main Memory Pool vs Dynamic Allocation?] [1:03:31][Why use the void* in game_memory?] [1:04:13][Elaborate on Permanent vs Transient storage?] [1:07:03][Will the code be on github \[be public\]?] [1:07:38][What do you mean by 'avoiding round trips'?] [1:12:55][Are you going to keep the sound buffer allocation seperate?] [1:13:14][Why didn't you use libc's assert macro?] [1:13:43][You're assert has issues.] [1:14:37][Why did you pick a BaseAddress so high up (2TB)?] [1:15:09][What is the difference between the memory columns in Task Manager?] [1:17:41][Tangent: PerfMon] [1:20:39][Recommended: Channel 9 video: Mark Russinovich Mysteries of Windows Memory Managment.] [1:21:04][Are there any guidelines for choosing a safe BaseAddress?] [1:21:46][What happens if the user doesn't have enough RAM?] [1:22:40][Isn't worrying about not having enough memory silly?] [1:23:25][Why are you using pools instead of static allocation?] [1:23:52][What mechanism will we use to assign memory out of our pools?] [1:24:17][Having Q&A after the episode is like code review. Was that your intent?] [1:25:16][What about i.e. modding support? You can't tell in advance if you've allowed enough memory for someone else's mod.] [1:26:34][Will our 64-bit allocation break on Raspberry Pi?] [1:27:27][Will the Transient storage be freed, or will you just take off its end until its gone?] [1:27:45][Is it better to keep track of how much memory is freed instead of total size?] [1:28:06][Why are you reluctant to have to constants be 64-bit integers?] [1:29:27][Did you pass different flags to VirtualAlloc for permanent and transient storage?] [1:29:54][What are the 'other reasons' for specifying a BaseAddress.] [1:31:01][Is it possible the pool will be fragmented?] [1:33:10][Sign Off][:speech] [/video]