[video output=day048 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Line Segment Intersection Collisions" vod_platform=youtube id=rWpZLvbT02o annotator=csnover annotator=schme annotator=debiatan annotator=theinternetftw] [0:00][Intro] [1:23][Recap] [2:55][Continuing yesterday's work on collision detection] [6:56][Writing the wall intersection detection] [10:38][Fixing backward movement] [12:02][Fixing divide by zero] [14:20][Actually move the player] [18:08][Description of partial wall penetration] [19:00][Adding the remaining wall tests] [23:08][New problem: walking through the top wall due to floating point precision loss] [25:27][Implementing a temporary fix] [29:15][Looking for another bug causing the character to stop early] [30:06][Debugging an assertion failure] [32:50][More collision bugs; time to write a better collision detection system!] [33:38][Observing the problems with the current collision detection system] [35:25][What we want from the new system] [43:26][Q&A][:speech] [43:53][Can you change the whiteboard colors?] [46:33][Do you plan on getting into calculus to get better collision detection?] [47:05][Do you think any need to prototype some features in some other language?] [47:43][If we changed the resolution of the game, would it change the size of the objects?] [48:25][Can you do collision detection based on if a bitmap and a pixel has alpha?] [51:15][Is it interesting to have a tutorial on floating-point computations?] [52:05][Why not use the old collision system and use the new one only if it finds a collision?] [53:03][What about the tiles? Will they stay the same if you change resolution?] [54:53][What is dynamic loading? I thought C code has to be compiled.] [/video]