[video output=day095 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Gamma-correct Premultiplied Alpha" vod_platform=youtube id=JTIzGsGqQaA annotator=dspecht annotator=Miblo] [1:20][Recap yesterday's work] [2:40][When do you premultiply the alpha?] [4:58][This bilinear blend might want to be in premultiplied alpha] [6:45][Inspect the change in appearance of the tree] [8:44][See if we're storing the Texels premultiplied (we are)] [9:24][We are not doing the most correct thing] [10:07][Do not premultiply the alpha at all] [10:51][Multiply the alpha just before the blend] [11:40][On the output our Color values want to be not premultiplied] [12:32][What happens on repeated blends?] [14:15][Blackboard: When our values aren't stored premultipled] [16:44][Blackboard: Projecting back to sRGB] [18:07][Project the Color values back to sRGB space before storing them] [19:58][Add struct containing rgb and a] [21:00][Check it out in-game and consider making all our routines gamma-aware] [22:43][Convert DrawRectangle to handle gamma correctly] [28:50][Try and check it out in-game] [29:52][Think about making our software renderer run relatively quickly] [33:27][Take another look at DrawRectangleSlowly and premultiply the Color upfront] [36:59][Do a little bit of cleanup] [38:38][Blackboard: How the Header worked] [39:25][Do two sequential pushes of the Header and Data] [41:26][Step through that and make sure it works] [42:52][Increment the BaseAddress properly and check it out in-game] [44:58][Consider pulling out the Draw functions into a seperate file] [46:36][Internet: MSDN: 'optimize'[ref site="MSDN" page="optimize" url="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/chh3fb0k.aspx"]] [47:53][Try using #pragma optimize] [49:57][Internet: MSDN: 'Optimization Best Practices'[ref site="MSDN" page="Optimization Best Practices" url="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235601.aspx"]] [50:52][Try wrapping everything else in a #pragma optimize off] [54:25][Q&A][:speech] [55:39][@arbesfeld][Why can't you compile OpenGL code to C to make a software renderer?] [56:00][@mr4thdimention][Is it useful to be able to debug with optimizations on? Do you think you might be able to show how to do that at some point?] [56:40][Demonstrate /Zo compiler flag[ref site="MSDN" page="/Zo (Enhance Optimized Debugging" url="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn785163.aspx"]] [1:01:38][@arbesfeld][GLSL] [1:05:48][@flaturated][Should the Load Bitmap function also be optimized after making changes today to do premultiply?] [1:06:23][@guit4rfreak][How would something like a dynamic array in this memory system work? Something that is persistent across frames, but able to change size. Holes are not possible in the memory arenas right now?] [1:08:04][@arbesfeld][Couldn't a compiler translate the OpenGL commands to C commands and wrap them in a loop which iterates over the pixels?] [1:10:34][@lucaspperin][Could you explain us how you free all the memory stack when closing the game?] [1:10:56][@starchypancakes][I have a hard time understanding why sRGB conversions are required for the alpha channel at all, and why your intitial code wasn't correct. The alpha channel is being used to just represent a proportion of photons from one source and a proportion of photons from another source(s). Wouldn't that be outside of the purview of color curves because it doesn't technically have anything to do with brightness?] [1:11:39][@gdmonkey][You seem to be manipulating colors on a low level. How are you pushing pixels? Sorry, I am kinda new] [1:12:27][@grumpygiant256][Any reason why you write 'Texel.a + Dest.a - Texel.a*Dest.a' instead of just 'InvRSA*Dest.a + Texel.a', which would match the RGB channels?] [1:12:54][Rearrange these calculations and keep on keeping on condensing] [1:15:54][@andsz_][Wasn't the alpha channel authored with nonlinear colors?] [1:16:32][Call it a day][:speech] [/video]