[video output=day123 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Interlocked Operations" vod_platform=youtube id=_olNhuuRYxo annotator=dspecht annotator=Miblo] [2:33][Blackboard: Thread Synchronization / Communication] [3:31][Blackboard: Processes] [4:08][Blackboard: Threads] [5:22][Blackboard: Problem #1 - Knowing what work to do] [7:05][Blackboard: Problem #2 - Sync / When work is done / visible] [11:15][Blackboard: Conceptualising how threads work] [12:34][Blackboard: Doing a busy-wait loop] [16:19][Blackboard: Preventing multiple threads from doing the same work] [18:57][Blackboard: x64 provides special instructions] [19:46][Blackboard: "locked exchange"] [24:00][Blackboard: "interlocked compare exchange"] [26:51][Put on the Pig Hat] [28:43][Blackboard: Being slyfox with the other primitives][quote 96] [30:02][Blackboard: "reads and writes" in a multithreaded context] [31:56][Blackboard: cache lines] [39:34][Take off the Pig Hat and open the code] [40:17][win32_handmade.cpp: Make four threads that do different work] [42:41][Run Handmade Hero] [42:57][Make the threads look for work to do] [48:51][Run and inspect the debug output] [50:17][Moment of realisation: You need to let ThreadInfo values persist] [51:38][Inspect the output] [52:32][Explain what's happening] [54:50][The writes to EntryCount are not in order] [57:04][The reads are not in order] [58:14][Q&A][:speech] [58:40][@tenbroya][Is your use of "for (;;)" instead of "while(1)" a stylistic choice or is there a benefit / drawback I'm missing?] [1:00:17][@gasto5][What's the problem with not being interlocked and seeing the same value, as your "TODO" suggests?] [1:02:39][Blackboard: Why two threads did the same work] [1:05:29][@quikligames][Do mutexes that I've seen used for multithreaded code in other places rely on those interlocking instructions, or are they something completely different?] [1:06:23][@emanresuon][What is your opinion on lockless queues?] [1:08:18][@sedihglow][What's the point of an infinite loop to begin with? It ends at some point, doesn't it?] [1:08:46][@my_twitch_sn][What threading libraries do you recommend and why (e.g. boost or pthreads)?] [1:09:37][@lavisan][What's better: a job scheduler from where each thread can get a job, or separate queues for each thread?] [1:10:45][Blackboard: "Single producer / Single consumer" vs "Single producer / Multiple consumer"] [1:14:39][@pseudonym73][I think that the point of "lockless" is that it doesn't use an operating system-level lock] [1:14:55][Blackboard: "lock free"] [1:16:46][@rygorous][Hey Casey, an InterlockedIncrement is a lock-free operation! (The terminology is shitty. The original term is "non-blocking" which is more useful)] [1:17:40][@gasto5][Is it reasonable to synchronize the receiving of network packets on one synchronized thread?] [1:19:16][@cubercaleb][Later in the development cycle, will you go over threading for other operating systems like Mac and Linux?] [1:19:45][@rc1290][What are the advantages of having a queue of jobs, instead of creating a thread every time you add a job?] [1:20:04][Blackboard: Overlap vs Performance] [1:24:50][Recap and glimpse into the future][:speech] [1:28:08][Close things down][:speech] [/video]